Our latest IEMA News

5th April 2006

Spain leads E&Y renewable energy ranking

Spain, the USA and Germany are the most attractive countries to invest in renewable energies, attracting the bulk of capital investment, according to Ernst & Young which points to a wind power "boom" in India.

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5th April 2006

Combating climate change in urban areas

Climate Change Minister Elliot Morley today (Mon) spelt out the Government's action on tackling climate change in urban areas at two major conferences.

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5th April 2006

Improved air quality can extend life expectancy

The strategy designed to cut air pollutants which can adversely affect human health is to be reviewed across the UK. The Air Quality Strategy for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland review focuses on the effect...

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4th April 2006

Tanzania steps up measures to save environment

In a move designed to curb further environmental degradation, Tanzania has ordered the eviction of pastoralists from forests and banned the use of thin plastic bags.

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4th April 2006

Rapid temperature increases above the Antarctic

A new analysis of weather balloon observations from the last 30 years reveals that the Antarctic has the same �global warming' signature as that seen across the whole Earth, but is three times larger than that observed g...

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4th April 2006

UN Environment Chief Steps Down After 8 Years

Klaus Toepfer, who led the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) over an eight-year period that saw environmental sustainability become central to international development goals, bid farewell to the agency today...

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4th April 2006

Africa Second Only to Latin America in Forest Loss

The net rate of forest loss in Africa is the second highest in the world, behind Latin America, often due to lax enforcement of laws, and the continent leads the globe in the frequency of forest fires, the United Nations...

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4th April 2006

World's First Broadband Environmental TV Channel Launches

The world's first broadband TV channel dedicated to environmental issues � called �green.tv' and developed with support from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) � is being launched today, aiming to become a "...

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31st March 2006

Why Part L is set to empower architects

Henrietta Lynch, a sustainability consultant at BDP, writes: Building legislation in the UK is finally coming into step with what the scientists have been telling us since the 1970s: that global climate change is un...

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31st March 2006

VW kicks off BlueMotion sustainability initiative

Volkswagen announced Monday that it will launch a BlueMotion sustainability initiative at Auto Mobil International 2006 in Liepzig next week. VW's AMI booth will showcase its Polo BlueMotion, Golf GT with the new TSI eng...

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