Our latest IEMA News

23rd February 2006

A good time to be a green entrepreneur

The Financial Times, (22 February 2006) reports: As talks on the Kyoto protocol on climate change ground to a halt at the United Nations last December, Bill Clinton, former US president, flew in to tell delegates that op...

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22nd February 2006

HK to introduce "green" taxes to protect environment

The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) government will introduce "green" taxes and give tax reduction to encourage pro-environment behavior, said the financial secretary on Wednesday.

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22nd February 2006

China publishes world's first environment–friendly plastic book

China has published the world's first environment-friendly plastic book written by a former scientific consultant to the US president.

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22nd February 2006

NHS sustainability measurement model unveiled

A self-assessment tool has been launched that enables NHS organisations to measure their sustainable development performance. The model, Good Corporate Citizenship, examines a number of factors including how they buy goo...

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22nd February 2006

Corruption Worsens World Water Crisis

Corruption, restricted political rights and limited civil liberties are all factors that lie behind the planet's growing water crisis, says a new United Nations report that focuses on the precious resource of fresh water...

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22nd February 2006

Britain urged to burn more rubbish to match EU

Three times as much household rubbish must be burned in incinerators and twice as much recycled within 15 years if local authorities in England are to match levels in other European countries, a review concluded yesterda...

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22nd February 2006

UN Agency Launches New Green Initiative for World's Construction Industry

Together with some of the biggest names in the multi-billion dollar building and construction sector, the United Nations environmental agency today launched a new international effort to �green' the industry, from curbin...

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22nd February 2006

Big cats under threat: Tiger, tiger, burning bright

The Tibetans are setting fire to tiger skins and other exotic furs after the Dalai Lama personally called on his people to stop the trade in endangered animal pelts. Tibet has become the world's leading market for the co...

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22nd February 2006

New Windfarm in NE Scotland

ScottishPower has announced a 15-year power purchase agreement for the entire output of an Aberdeenshire windfarm owned by Englefield Renewable Energy Fund. The deal, on a discount to market basis, includes the purchase ...

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22nd February 2006

Climate Treaty One Year On – Emissions Still Rising

Governments are failing to take the action needed to reach legally binding targets agreed under the Kyoto Protocol, Friends of the Earth International said ahead of the February 16 first anniversary of this global treaty...

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