Our latest IEMA News

9th February 2006

Missing in Action: The Environment in Mexico

No matter how many times you run through the Mexican presidential candidate Andr�s Manuel L�pez Obrador's "50 Commitments" � a brief document that serves as his campaign platform � you won't find the following words: "e...

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9th February 2006

Energy–saving homes key to sustainability

Housing energy consumption accounts for nearly 40 per cent of the total energy use in this country. Energy-saving housing, which consumes about half the heating and electricity as ordinary housing, makes up only 5 per ce...

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9th February 2006

Energy efficiency "only way" to curb spiralling Fuel Bills

News of an expected increase in prices by British Gas of up to 25% has today been condemned as outrageous by the Green Party. Keith Taylor, Green Party Principal Speaker, commented: "This will be the largest price rise ...

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9th February 2006

Blair Wont Tax Aviation Despite Commitment to Climate Change

Tony Blair is opposed to clawing back any of the aviation industry's annual �9bn subsidy or introducing new taxes to limit airlines' impact on the environment, he told a parliamentary committee today.

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9th February 2006

Winds of climate change are about to make their impact felt in many a boardroom

The old economics is dead. Its death knell was sounded last week, not by a practitioner of the dismal science but by Tony Blair's chief scientific adviser. Sir David King said concentrations of greenhouse gases were alre...

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9th February 2006

European Parliament officially joins EMAS to improve its environmental track record

Like thousands of companies and organisations in the EU that want to improve their environmental track record to match EU rules, the European Parliament joined the EU Environmental Management and Audit System (EMAS) on 2...

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9th February 2006

The polluter pays: how environmental disaster is straining China's social fabric

A week after scrambling to handle a discharge of tonnes of poisonous metals into a local river on which millions rely for drinking water, Jiang Yimin, the chief of the environment protection bureau in Hunan, south-centra...

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9th February 2006

Europeans prefer energy policy on EU level

The majority of European citizens would prefer EU level decision making on energy policy, over national energy policies. Forty seven per cent of Europeans see European leadership as the most appropriate compared to natio...

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9th February 2006

Climate poses increased threat, admits Blair

Tony Blair has admitted that the risks of climate change may be more serious than previously thought. The Prime Minister's concern is revealed today in a book that contains compelling evidence from some of the world's le...

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9th February 2006

EU climate change target "unfeasible"

The EU is unlikely to meet its target to maintain global warming below 2�C, according to the final conclusions of an international scientific conference.

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