Our latest IEMA News

26th January 2006

2006 Winter Olympics to be first 'green' major sports event

The Turin 2006 Winter Olympics, which starts in February 2006, has been combining the use of three EU voluntary environmental protection instruments as part of its efforts to be the first every truly 'green' major sports...

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26th January 2006

Recycling Rates Increasing – But More Needed say FoE

Friends of the Earth is calling on the Government to set new ambitious national targets for local authorities, so that they all meet the high recycling levels being achieved by the best, such as St Edmundsbury in Suffolk...

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26th January 2006

Tackle nuclear waste disposal first, warn advisers

Britain has 2.3 million cubic metres of nuclear waste stored around the country - more than enough to fill the Albert Hall five times. Exposure to even a tiny amount of the most potent type could kill an adult within two...

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26th January 2006

Mitsubishi Plans for 300 MW of Yearly Solar Production

Mitsubishi, which in 2004 could only claim one percent of global solar photovoltaic production, announced plans this week to boost their manufacturing up to five percent of global supplies by the year 2010, according to ...

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26th January 2006

MEPs strengthen public access to environmental policy–making

The Parliament has amended a Council decision in order to improve access to information and public participation in EU environmental decision making, but it refused to give NGOs the right to take member states to court.

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26th January 2006

Low level of ambition for EU 'green cities' strategy

A new Commission strategy to�make urban areas greener�focuses on better implementation of existing EU environmental policies but proposes little in terms of new initiatives. Mounting heaps of waste, traffic congestion, u...

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26th January 2006

Greens condemn government support for incineration

Green Party Principal Speaker Keith Taylor has responded angrily to a report that the government is to increase incineration. A draft consultation document to be published by the Department of the Environment next month,...

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26th January 2006

Genes record orangutans' decline

The dramatic collapse of orangutan populations has been linked to human activity, new genetic evidence shows.

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26th January 2006

Environment in crisis: 'We are past the point of no return'

Thirty years ago, the scientist James Lovelock worked out that the Earth possessed a planetary-scale control system which kept the environment fit for life. He called it Gaia, and the theory has become widely accepted. N...

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26th January 2006

Exchange of knowledge to improve urban environment

On 11 January 2006, the European Commission proposed an EU strategy for the urban environment. The overriding aim is to facilitate the implementation of EU environment policy legislation locally by exchanging experience ...

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