Our latest IEMA News

11th October 2005

Vietnam's Deputy PM stresses need to improve investment environment

Improving the investment environment to encourage enterprises to invest in business and production expansion is one of the major measures the Government will adopt to carry out its socio-economic development tasks, Deput...

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11th October 2005

Carbon Vision Leadership Programme – Call for Proposals

The EPSRC and the Carbon Trust have allocated �2.3 million within the Carbon Vision initiative to support The Carbon Vision Leadership Programme.

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11th October 2005

Call for Contributions to 'Handbook of Sustainability Communication'

The European Reference Point for Technology Transfer for Sustainable Development in Hamburg, Germany (http://www.tutech.de/sd) is pleased to announce a call for contributions for a major publication addressing the issue ...

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11th October 2005

Professor David Pearce

Professor David Pearce died suddenly on September 8 2005. As a pioneer of environmental economics, David made a huge contribution to sustainable development and to British and international environmental policy. In June ...

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11th October 2005

Purchasers need to accept the growing importance of corporate social responsibility (CSR)

This was the conclusion from a CIPS event last month examining the role and future of CSR. Chaired by CIPS president Ian Taylor, the seminar explored what companies can do to contribute to the economies of developing cou...

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11th October 2005

Blair Backs Nuclear

Tony Blair has decided to back new nuclear power stations, which would be built on the sites of existing plants and presented to the public and his party as a job-creating answer to climate change.

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11th October 2005

Friends of the Earth Expose Most Polluting Power Companies

Friends of the Earth is urging consumers to start pulling the plug on the country's polluting nuclear and fossil-fuel power companies. The environment group's call comes as all power companies are for the first time obli...

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11th October 2005

Arctic Ice Melt Latest Evidence of Climate Change

Recent findings that Arctic ice levels are at the lowest point in more than a century has provided further evidence that climate change is a pressing and urgent reality.

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11th October 2005

'Green' Britain breaks pollution rules and forgets promises

The Independent reports that Britain is dragging its feet over three separate European laws on global warming, undermining Tony Blair's claim to be leading the world on fighting climate change, a new report shows.

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11th October 2005

England's Environment on the Mend Say DEFRA

England's coastland, rivers, farms, and environmentally sensitive land are reaping the results of action to safeguard and improve England's wildlife and countryside, according to scientific data released last week.

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