Our latest IEMA News

2nd November 2005

Climate: MEPs give F–gas bill a 'green boost'

Tough new measures to control and ban greenhouse gases used in refrigeration and air conditioning are on their way if EU lawmakers follow the opinion of the Parliament's environment committee.

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2nd November 2005

Biomass Taskforce Ignoring Business, Farmers and Green Groups Claim FoE

Friends of the Earth, businesses, farmers and trade associations, disputed claims by the Biomass Task Force that a long�term incentive for renewable heat is �unworkable' and called on the government not to close the door...

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2nd November 2005

Blair signals shift over climate change

Tony Blair appeared last night to undermine more than 15 years of climate change negotiations when he signalled a shift away from a target-based approach to cutting greenhouse emissions. Speaking at the end of the first ...

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2nd November 2005

Local Authorities Should Set Targets for GHG

Local authorities and regional assemblies must set targets for cutting their area's contribution to global warming and ensure that their policies help them achieve this, Friends of the Earth said today.

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18th October 2005

Local Authorities and the EA Given New Powers to Deal with Fly Tippers

Fly-tipping is now costing almost �1 million a week to clear-up, according to new data released by Defra today. However, from today, local authorities and the Environment Agency have been granted new powers to recover th...

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18th October 2005

Don't wait for Washington

New York and neighboring states can cut power plant emissions, clean air - In the face of White House inaction on greenhouse gas emissions, the effort of nine Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states to address the issue at the...

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18th October 2005

More rich Brits is good news for environment?

There are an increasingly large number of wealthy Britons, and they are placing greater emphasis on ethical investments than ever before.

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18th October 2005

Cobtun House Wins RIBA Sustainability Award

Cobtun House, Worcestershire, built of mud, straw and corrugated iron, and designed by Associated Architects, has scooped this year's RIBA Sustainability Award. The announcement was made at a special awards ceremony for ...

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18th October 2005

Scientists confirm: deepsea fisheries are in deep deep trouble

Greenpeace today applauded the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) for its drastic but responsible call for a complete overhaul of deep-sea fisheries management in the North Atlantic. ICES is reco...

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18th October 2005

Greenpeace documents effects of the worst drought in 40 years

The devastating drought currently affecting the Amazon rainforest is part of a vicious cycle created by the combined affects of global warming and deforestation and could cause the collapse of the rainforest, according t...

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