Our latest IEMA News

6th September 2005

Scotland's National Waste Strategy

Scotland currently produces around 12 million tonnes of waste each year (about 2.5 million tonnes is household waste). In 2003/2004, 85% of municipal waste was disposed of to landfill, 12.3% was recycled and the remainde...

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6th September 2005

Pension fund to begin tracking its own greenhouse gases

The California State Teachers' Retirement System plans to start measuring how many greenhouse gases it produces from its Sacramento headquarters and two-car fleet.

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6th September 2005

Gas–driven vehicles planned for environment–friendly 2008 Olympics

About 150 trucks powered by natural gas are planned to run the expressway between the eastern coastal city of Qingdao and the Chinese capital of Beijing by 2008, as part of the government's package to run a environment-f...

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6th September 2005

Miners vow to safeguard environment

Three small-scale mining operators in the town of Itogon said Friday they are committed to put up appropriate safety nets to ensure that their operations will not affect the environment and health of their neighbors.

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6th September 2005

Rumsfeld: Military Trumps Environment

Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld warned Monday that procedures designed to protect the environment can sometimes jeopardize U.S. troops and should be balanced against military needs.

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6th September 2005

Kenyan rangers arrest three with 22 tusks

Rangers have arrested three Kenyan men and seized 22 elephant tusks weighing 287 pounds that they tried to sell, a spokesman for the Kenya Wildlife Service said Monday.

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6th September 2005

Katrina - another global warning for Bush

Kerry Emanuel writes in Nature 4 (August 2005): "Increasing destructiveness of tropical cyclones over the past 30 years", by .Hurricane Katrina should be a wake up call for President Bush on the need for urgent US action...

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6th September 2005

Unnatural Disaster: The Lessons of Katrina

The overwhelming human and financial impacts of Hurricane Katrina are powerful evidence that political and economic decisions made in the United States and other countries have failed to account for our dependence on a h...

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6th September 2005

Munich, the Capital of Bavaria awarded as "Federal Capital City of Energy Conservation"

The City of Munich came off as overall winner of the contest "City of Energy Conservation 2005" organised by the DUH (Deutsche Umwelthilfe) under the patronage of the Federal Ministry of the Environment in January 2005.

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6th September 2005

Save your planet. Start with Manchester.

Thousands of people pledged to save the planet over the bank holiday weekend as the 'Manchester is my Planet' campaign launched across the city.

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