Our latest IEMA News

31st May 2005

Environment dear to Government– Minister

Ghana's Government is determined and committed to addressing the numerous environmental problems facing the country, Dr. Gheysika Adombire Agambila, the Deputy Minister of Environment and Science has said. Opening a two-...

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31st May 2005

Industry Chiefs Lobby Blair on Climate Change

A group of Britain's leading industrialists has written to the prime minister urgently demanding long-term policies to combat climate change.

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31st May 2005

Environment tops Governor's agenda

In Phuket, Governor Udomsak Usawarangkura has ordered that a special committee be set up to protect the environment in Phuket. Gov Udomsak said he would like police officers, forestry staff and volunteers to sit on the c...

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31st May 2005

Greenpeace Tackles Electronics Sector

Greenpeace called on dirty electronics companies to clean up their act last week, starting with toxic tech giant, Hewlett-Packard. 15 Greenpeace activists delivered a truckload of electronic waste to the company's Europe...

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31st May 2005

BAA's Terminal Sustainability?

On 19 May 2005, BAA hosted a Beacon Network site visit at Heathrow Terminal 5 to demonstrate the outstanding work the company has undertaken to integrate environmental strategy into the biggest construction site in Europ...

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31st May 2005

Greens Slam US–UK Nuclear Conference Performance

"Only a total lack of political will to disarm could have delivered such a flagrantly hypocritical performance" - Green delegate, Jenny Jones. Green conference delegates have today blamed "U.S. hypocrisy, backed by UK c...

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31st May 2005

EU Emissions Trading Scheme to open in the UK this week

Firms covered by the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme will be able to open their UK carbon accounts later this week, the Government has announced (24 May). The EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) is one of the po...

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31st May 2005

Chelsea Flower Show exhibit looks at impact of climate change on gardens

A Defra-sponsored exhibit at this year's Chelsea Flower Show looks at the impact of climate change on gardens and on how gardeners can take action to combat climate change. The exhibit - "Climate change: the global chall...

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31st May 2005

Trashing of the Amazon continues

New Amazon deforestation figures released by the Brazilian Government yesterday evening (18th May 2005) showed that 26,130 square kilometres of rainforest were wrecked between August 2003 and August 2004, an area larger ...

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31st May 2005

Get online, save time and avoid a potential fine – Haz Waste

The Environment Agency is reminding all businesses that produce hazardous waste that they can now save themselves time and money by registering online. Under new regulations, any business in England and Wales that create...

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