Our latest IEMA News

12th June 2005

NIREX reveals location of potential nuclear waste sites

Communities across Britain could be blighted following the publication of a list of potential nuclear waste dumping sites by NIREX, the Government's nuclear waste disposal agency. NIREX was forced to reveal the site loca...

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12th June 2005

Blair Questioned on Climate Change

An unusually consensual Prime Minister's Question Time was dominated by climate change and action on Africa. MPs from all sides of the House lined up to congratulate the PM for focusing on climate change and Africa at th...

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12th June 2005

Companies that go "Beyond Reporting" create business value, new report says

Companies can turn regulatory compliance and heightened corporate governance efforts into opportunities that create value for their businesses, according to a new report from the World Business Council for Sustainable De...

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10th June 2005

European Commission to propose new climate change programme

Environment Commissioner Dimas announced during the opening debate of Green Week that the EU is working on a second climate change programme. It is likely to be in line with more ambitious targets for the post-2012 perio...

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3rd June 2005

IEMA Publications Shop on Froogle

The IEMA Publications Shop can now be fully searched on the Froogle product search service.

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2nd June 2005

World Environment Day – June 5th – Make a Pledge

Sunday 5 June is World Environment Day (WED). This United Nations campaign, which runs all over the world, encourages individuals and businesses to take steps to protect the environment. By pledging to make small changes...

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2nd June 2005

European Green Week – Online resources

Green Week 2005 will look at all aspects of climate change and in particular at the human factor. Our way of life, production, consumption and transport need to change if we want to halt global warming.

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31st May 2005

Leaked G8 Documents Expose Lack of Commitment to Climate Change

Fears that the G8 summit in Gleneagles this July will lack the political will to tackle global warming increased today, following the publication of a document purporting to be a draft G8 communiqu� on climate change. Fr...

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31st May 2005

Scotland Limits to Climate Change

Limits on carbon dioxide emissions for installations across Scotland were published today. The National Allocation Plan places limits on nearly 120 of Scotland's largest emitters, covering over 40 per cent of Scotland's ...

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31st May 2005

Environment: Green Week 2005 gets to grips with climate change

The EU urges everyone to get to grips with climate change during this year's Green Week, the Commission's annual conference programme and exhibition showcasing EU environment policy.

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