Our latest IEMA News

4th May 2005

Euro funding for Hydrogen Office

Plans for an office building powered by cutting edge renewable energy technology will be awarded European funding, it was announced last week.

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4th May 2005

Protecting the water environment

Stronger regulations and improved monitoring to protect Scotland's rivers, lochs and coastlines was announced last week. The Controlled Activities Regulations will apply to all activities that impact on the quality of th...

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4th May 2005

Brundtland Lectures on Sustainability

"Infection, disease, poverty: these are the threats to our common security," declared Dr. Gro Brundtland, former Prime Minister of Norway and director general emeritus of the World Health Organization. She spoke yesterda...

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4th May 2005

The Business of Sustaining Ecosystem Services

The World Conservation Union (IUCN) and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) have agreed to intensify cooperation in strengthening global efforts to protect the earth, its forests, its wetlands,...

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4th May 2005

Aceh: Stop talking, send timber, says WWF

Aceh's already shattered landscape faces further devastation if donor countries do not immediately supply the tsunami-stricken province with sustainable timber. The warning was made at the launch of a set of reconstructi...

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4th May 2005

The True Cost of Coal

Shareholders in the billion dollar China Light and Power (CLP) company were last week confronted with the real cost of burning fossil fuels. Greenpeace activists and people from communities suffering the devastating impa...

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4th May 2005

Twigg and CEE Difference of Opinion on ESD

Green Education Minister, Derek Twigg, and CEE's Head of Policy, Nick Jones, recently gave contrasting views at a House of Commons seminar on Education for a sustainable future.

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4th May 2005

Design with distinction: the value of good building design in higher education

Funded by the UK Higher Education Funding Councils, this report investigates the links between high quality design and the recruitment, retention and performance of staff and students.

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4th May 2005

Livingstone's green vision for London

Robert Booth of The Guardian reports: London's mayor, Ken Livingstone, has launched a vision of a green future for the capital with buildings shrouded in lush vegetation, populated by wildlife and powered by hydrogen, no...

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4th May 2005

Greenpeace in Prescott Roof Protest

Greenpeace volunteers fitted solar panels to John Prescott's roof and hung a huge banner across his house this morning that says: Oi 2 Jags! Hit targets, not voters.

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