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5th December 2008

Polish Sausage: A Thaw In Poznan Climate Talks, or Maybe Not

A year ago, gaggles of climate negotiators at least could enjoy the weather in Bali. This December, the same crowd is huddled in the Polish winter as international climate negotiations come to Poznan, Poland. Much like ...

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5th December 2008

Boris Launches London Adaptation Strategy

London Mayor Boris Johnson published on 25 November his 'London climate change adaptation strategy - draft'.

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5th December 2008

Powering Our Lives

Planning and environmental charity, the Town and Country Planning Association (TCPA) have welcomed the Government Office for Science's Foresight report �Powering Our Lives: Sustainable Energy Management and the Built Env...

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5th December 2008

Green New Deal – Call from Chairman of Environment Agency

Lord Smith, the former cabinet minister and chairman of the Environment Agency, will today call on the government to follow US President-elect Barack Obama and launch a multi-billion pound "green new deal" to boost clean...

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5th December 2008

One Planet Mobility – WWF

WWF's One Planet Mobility programme aims to identify and inspire the changes needed to transform personal mobility � a sector which focuses on transport used by people in their everyday lives.

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5th December 2008

The New Politics of Climate Change

In this report, Green Alliance director Stephen Hale examines why the existing plethora of Government climate change initiatives and commitments are failing to achieve the progress required in climate change mitigation.

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5th December 2008

The Green Business Bible

In the Green Business Bible eBook, Gareth Kane sets out a strategic framework for making a business sustainable.

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5th December 2008

Calculating emissions from shipping

Shipping is a significant source of atmospheric pollutants, which contribute to climate change and have negative effects on human health and the environment.

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4th December 2008

Rich Countries Dodge Adaptation Fund Say FoE

At the UN climate talks in Poland, industrialised countries are dodging the issue of funding poorer countries' adaptation to climate change.

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4th December 2008

California – She's Electric

California's 36 million people have 21m cars between them, accounting for 40% of the state's greenhouse gas emissions. So replacing 1m of those petrol cars with electric cars will make a big difference.

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