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17th December 2008

Sea level rise by 2100 'below 2m'

Sea levels globally are very unlikely to rise by more than 2m (7ft) this century, scientists conclude.

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17th December 2008

London Energy Partnership – Low Carbon Designer and Community Heating Databases

"Low Carbon Designer" - An electronic toolkit that allows developers, building design engineers and planners to assess the energy performance of a proposed development using the London Plan energy hierarchy.

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17th December 2008

Kelp–fuel cars on the horizon in Scotland

Motorists may soon be driving cars powered by kelp and algae after scientists in Scotland and Ireland won European funding today for a new research project to create "mari-fuels" - the marine equivalent to plant-based bi...

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17th December 2008

UK Committee on Climate Change – Building a Low Carbon Economy

The UK Committee on Climate Change has recently published their first report, which begins by explaining why the UK should aim for an 80% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, and how that is attainable.

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17th December 2008

Turbulent Economic Times and Sustainability – New Report

In this report Forum for the Future and Cap Gemini have set out to explore what the current turbulent economic times mean for business and sustainability.

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17th December 2008

Britain to get £7m flood forecast centre

A flood forecast centre is to be set up as part of the government's response to last summer's devastating floods, the environment secretary Hilary Benn has announced.

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17th December 2008

Leicester Focuses on Adaptation

Local authorities have a long-standing responsibility to protect their communities from risk. Climate change adaptation is fundamentally about protecting people and property from the adverse impacts of extreme weather ...

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11th December 2008

Draft National Occupational Standards Consultation

The IEMA has worked with Lantra (the Sector Skills Council for the Environmental and Land Based Sectors) to review the existing environmental management National Occupational Standards (NOS).

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5th December 2008

Letter to Miliband – British flaw on climate change cuts

Tomorrow Ed Miliband, secretary of state for energy and climate change, will meet with ministers in Brussels to finalise new EU legislation on climate and energy. The week after, he goes to Poland to continue negotiation...

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5th December 2008

Polish Sausage: A Thaw In Poznan Climate Talks, or Maybe Not

A year ago, gaggles of climate negotiators at least could enjoy the weather in Bali. This December, the same crowd is huddled in the Polish winter as international climate negotiations come to Poznan, Poland. Much like ...

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