Our latest News

16th January 2009

2009 Environment Agency Water Efficiency Awards Open for Entries

The Environment Agency launched its 2009 Water Efficiency Awards on 13th January to recognise organisations that cut down on the water they use, helping to conserve our country's precious water resources.

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11th January 2009

Impact of atmospheric particles on climate underestimated

Levels of global secondary organic aerosol (SOA) in the Earth's atmosphere have increased by 60 per cent since pre-industrial times, according to new research, which suggests that the effects of SOA have been previously ...

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11th January 2009

Encouraging energy conservation in the home

Despite high levels of environmental concern in the EU, domestic energy use continues to rise. A recent study has examined the psychology behind energy usage and behaviour change to help inform energy strategies.

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11th January 2009

Richmond's controversial 'gas–guzzlers' parking scheme to be extended

More drivers of "gas-guzzling" cars face higher parking charges under an extension of controversial council plans.

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11th January 2009

The health and happiness of our society depends on the levelling of wealth and incomes

A thought provoking editorial from Guardian: To shop or not to shop, that is the question. For Gordon Brown, spending is the route to salvation, and hence he has indulged in a costly VAT cut.

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11th January 2009

Greener shades at world's tech show

The world's gadget makers have become more environmentally friendly but have some way to go before they can claim to be green.

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11th January 2009

Heat may spark world food crisis

Half the world's population could face a climate-induced food crisis by 2100, a new report by US scientists warns. Rapid warming is likely to reduce crop yields in the tropics and subtropics, according to Prof David Batt...

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11th January 2009

Carbon Capture and Storage – the ippr perspective

Well over half of the world's carbon emissions come from a few thousand power stations and large industrial sources. Many use coal as a fuel, and since China, India and the USA all have large domestic reserves, the secur...

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11th January 2009

US recycling: 'I don't even think we have an industry'

Steve Young sits back in his chair and glances up from his figures. "I don't even think we have an industry. That's how bad it is."

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11th January 2009

First flight of algae–fuelled jet

A US airline has completed the first test flight of a plane partly powered by biofuel derived from algae. The 90-minute flight by a Continental Boeing 737-800 went better than expected, a spokesperson said.

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