Our latest News

7th May 2008

Sending our toxins to Africa, in the form of waste PCs

Thousands of discarded computers from western Europe and the US arrive in the ports of west Africa every day, ending up in massive toxic dumps where children burn and pull them apart to extract metals for cash.

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7th May 2008

Australian Govt pledges $3.45m for climate planning

The federal government has announced $3.45 million to help local governments and professionals plan for the potentially devastating effects of climate change.

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7th May 2008

The revision of the energy efficiency in buildings directive

This year, the European Commission is set to revise the 2002 Energy Performance of buildings directive.

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7th May 2008

London's air quality 'not improved' by congestion charge

The London congestion charge has done little to improve air quality in the capital, researchers said today.

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7th May 2008

Business Challenges for a Low–Carbon Economy

WBCSD President Bjorn Stigson addressed the 17 th CleanTech Forum in Brussels today, looking ahead to 2050 and global changes for a low-carbon economy.

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7th May 2008

Building a Low Carbon Economy – Unlocking Innovation and Skills

This report outlines how UK Government and business may work together to place the UK at the forefront of the green industrial revolution.

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7th May 2008

Cream of Defra Study Milk Impacts

Defra and the UK dairy industry have recently launched a Milk Roadmap which seeks to reduce the environmental impacts of liquid milk production and consumption.

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7th May 2008

Recycling, waste–to–energy to play an important part in reducing CO2

More recycling and waste-to-energy programmes will reduce net greenhouse gas emissions. This is the conclusion of three recently published studies.

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7th May 2008

San Francisco hits 70% city recycling rate

The city of San Francisco has chalked up a 70 percent recycling rate - the highest in the US diversion of waste, which includes recycling, composting, and re-use, has increased from 35 percent in 1996, to 70 percent toda...

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7th May 2008

Breathing in Los Angeles and Pittsburgh can be hazardous for your health

The American Lung Association issued its annual report card on air pollution today, ranking cities most affected by three types of pollution: short-term particle pollution, year-round particle pollution and ozone polluti...

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