Our latest News

27th March 2008

Sustainable Procurement Centre of Expertise

In response to the 6th annual Sustainable Development in Government (SDiG) report, the Government has announced plans to develop a new Centre of Expertise for Sustainable Procurement within the Office of Government Comme...

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27th March 2008

South Norfolk Zero Waste Ambition

Britain's first zero waste centre could be built in South Norfolk after council bosses signed an agreement to try to create the pioneering �7m facility.

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27th March 2008

Eon Opens Largest UK Biomass Plant in Scotland

The Steven's Croft Power Station near Lockerbie, the largest wood-fired power station in the UK, was officially opened today allowing biomass generation in Scotland on a new scale.

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27th March 2008

World's Glaciers Melting at Record Rate

With global glaciers -- a vital water source for millions, or even billions, of people worldwide -- melting at a record rate, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) urged countries to agree on a new emissions r...

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27th March 2008

Major Firms Should Cut Waste Say Conservatives

Major firms should be asked to sign up to voluntary "responsibility deals" to cut waste, the Conservatives say.

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27th March 2008

UK Goes for Nuclear

A government minister will call today for a huge expansion of Britain's nuclear power in what he predicts could be a �20bn economic bonanza that will create 100,000 new jobs and benefit the economy as much as North Sea o...

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27th March 2008

Demolishing old houses and building new adds to climate change

Demolishing tens of thousands of Victorian and Edwardian homes and building new ones is adding unnecessarily to climate change, researchers said today.

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27th March 2008

Wind Projects Opposed by Ministry of Defence

Touted as a viable alternative to coal, gas and nuclear, the bid to cover the UK in wind turbines is now facing mounting opposition. Not only are they under attack from their neighbours, airports, and tourist attractions...

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27th March 2008

Gore Champions India to Provide Climate Solutions

India, as an advanced developing nation, can help lead the world in renewable energy technologies to solve �the climate change crisis,' former US vice president and Nobel Peace winner Al Gore said.

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27th March 2008

Hare Today for Golden Eagle Incentive

They were once a common sight on the west Highland estate of Beinn an Tuirc, but as the landscape has changed over the past 40 years, there is now a greater chance of spotting a mountain hare at a tea party than on the m...

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