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24th April 2008

Tourism Key to Climate Challenge

The global tourism industry has a key role to play in confronting the challenges of climate change, the head of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) said as an international seminar on the subject wrapped up i...

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24th April 2008

Keep the green coat in a cool economy

The list of businesses going "green" lengthens by the day. Household names such as Wal-Mart, Coca-Cola, General Electric, Hewlett-Packard and L'Oreal boast programmes to cut their greenhouse gas emissions, use natural re...

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24th April 2008

Climate change hitting Arctic faster, harder

Climate change is having a greater and faster impact on the Arctic than previously thought, according to a new study by the global conservation organization WWF.

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24th April 2008

Get–one–free deals 'boost waste'

The government has criticised buy-one, get-one-free offers at supermarkets for increasing the amount of food thrown away by British shoppers.

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24th April 2008

Climate Change Risks for Businesses Identified by KPMG

In a report released this week, KPMG identified four risks businesses face from climate change:

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24th April 2008

Big oil to big wind

T Boone Pickens is famous for thinking big. He founded his Texan oil company, Mesa Petroleum, in 1956 with just $2,500 (�1,200) in the bank.

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24th April 2008

Defra Advocate Waste Wood for Biomass Fuel

Defra recently published its market information report, �Waste Wood as a Biomass Fuel' which draws on a range of published material and activity surveys of producers, aggregators and users of waste wood, in order to prov...

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24th April 2008

Rich countries not leading on climate change: IPCC chief

The head of the United Nations's scientific panel on climate change said in an interview published Monday that developing countries were unwilling to sign up to a global deal on cutting carbon emissions because rich coun...

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24th April 2008

The big turn off: Could you drink, bathe and clean using just 20 litres a day?

Full marks to those who keep a tight rein on their carbon footprint, but don't relax just yet: water is the new carbon, and our engorged water footprints need to be scrutinised before the rivers really do run dry.

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24th April 2008

Environmentalists disappointed by UK's renewables record

The UK's renewable energy performance is a "national disgrace", environmental campaigners claim today.

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