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19th June 2007

Ryder Cup 2010 to Advance Sustainability in Golf

The Celtic Manor Resort, focal point for last week's Wales Open and host venue for The Ryder Cup in three years time, is back in the full glare of the spotlight again this week with the announcement that The 2010 Ryder C...

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19th June 2007

Cities 'key' to solving world's environmental woes

With 80% of Europeans living in urban areas, cities hold the key to sustainable development, said Commissioner Margot Wallstr�m, outlining her "vision" for sustainable cities at the opening session of Brussels' Green Wee...

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19th June 2007

Aviation and Climate Change

The aviation sector is responsible for a small but growing proportion of global greenhouse gas emissions. Recently the industry has been put in the spotlight, and there is a push for technological and policy solutions to...

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6th June 2007

UN Uniquely Positioned to Push for Efforts on Climate Change

As the only global forum, the United Nations is uniquely positioned to forge a common approach to combating climate change, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said today.

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6th June 2007

UN Treaty Official Optimistic on Climate Change

Following three definitive reports on climate change and a recent technical symposium, States and the private sector are showing more willingness to move ahead rapidly to stem greenhouse gas emissions, the lead official ...

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6th June 2007

Shropshire Communities Cut Deep

Residents of three rural Shropshire communities could provide the answer to how Britain can cut its CO2 emissions by 60% in the next 40 years.

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6th June 2007

Nike Plans To Be Carbon Neutral By 2011

Nike released its fiscal 2005 and 2006 Corporate Responsibility Report today. The company says it has exceeded its reduction targets for CO2 emissions over the last two years through the World Wildlife Fund's Climate Sav...

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6th June 2007

Blue Whale Making a Comeback

The blue whale, possibly the largest animal ever to live on Earth, is making a comeback, scientists have said.

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6th June 2007

Planning for a Sustainable Future – White Paper

The new Planning White Paper, also published last week, sets out the Government's detailed proposals for reform of the planning system.

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6th June 2007

DTI's Energy White Paper

The Government also last week released �Meeting the Energy Challenge: A White Paper on Energy'. The Paper sets out the Government's international and domestic energy strategy to respond to the changing challenges of clim...

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