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3rd July 2007

World's Biggest Palm Oil Trader Shamed by FoE

Wilmar, the world's biggest trader in palm oil, is illegally logging rainforests, setting forests on fire and violating the rights of local communities in Indonesia, according to a new report published today by Friends ...

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3rd July 2007

Dutch Customers Start Moving to Climate–Conscious Banks

Dutch customers are starting to move to climate-conscious banks. One hundred customers of banks with the worst 'climate performance' have already left their banks since June 10 to join more climate-conscious banks.

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3rd July 2007

The great flood – UK Hit by Devastating Floods

Torrential rain that swept across Britain brought chaos as hundreds of homes were evacuated and stranded motorists plucked to safety from their vehicles. At least three people were killed in the severe storms that broug...

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3rd July 2007

Records tumble as Britain is hit by months of extremes

Officially, the rain has been caused by a large area of low pressure meandering across Britain, and a slow moving warm front keeping the rain in the same place. "It's been chucking it down. It just hasn't moved," said a ...

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3rd July 2007

Marketers urged to respect environment

Direct marketers have been urged to consider their impact on the environment and work to tackle concerns that the industry is producing too much waste paper.

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3rd July 2007

NHS urged to cut carbon emissions

The NHS - one of the world's largest public bodies - has been urged to cut its greenhouse gas emissions.

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3rd July 2007

EU Making its Mind Up on Emission Standards for Cars

While the EU's 27 environment ministers agree on the need to reduce car emissions in order to tackle climate change, they remain divided on how the burden of these reductions should be spread out among the industry.

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3rd July 2007

EU and US launch 'green flights' plan

The EU and the US have vowed to co-operate on reducing global aviation's contribution to climate change under a "green skies" partnership, but the deal is unlikely to hold off a dispute over a separate EU plan to make al...

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3rd July 2007

ASDA Seeks Sustainable Collaboration with Competitors

Supermarket chain Asda has said the industry needs to put aside some of its "cut-throat" competitiveness and collaborate to drive sustainability.

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3rd July 2007

Darfur conflict worsens environment

Decades of drought helped trigger Darfur's violence as rival groups fought over scarce water and arable land. Now, experts fear the war and its refugee crisis are making the environment even worse, leaving the land incre...

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