Our latest News

18th July 2007

Why not all nappies are created equal

Have the powers-that-be consigned the campaign for reusable nappies to the landfill site in the sky? That's the charge levelled at the government-funded Waste and Resources Action Programme (Wrap), after it was confirmed...

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18th July 2007

London Councils Back Bag Tax

London Councils has called on government to help London take a bold stand for the environment, by introducing a 10p levy on plastic bags � or even introducing an outright ban.

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18th July 2007

India's Climate Plan Underway

India has taken the first steps towards developing a national plan on tackling the effects of climate change.

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18th July 2007

Defra's Dirty Carbon Footprints Campaign Hits TV

The government is to launch a �5m climate change TV campaign to try and get people to reduce their carbon footprint by making small lifestyle changes.

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18th July 2007

The man making the world's worst polluter clean up its act

He is not as well known as Al Gore or David Attenborough but among green campaigners, no one has a bigger role in tackling climate change than Ma Jun.

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18th July 2007

New York Congestion Charge Blocked

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has all but conceded defeat on his plans to introduce a congestion charge on traffic into Manhattan.

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13th July 2007

New Governance for the IEMA

IEMA members voted unanimously to approve a new governance structure at the Institute’s Annual General Meeting on 13th June 2007. The new Articles of Association provide for a new Board to develop and take forward the In...

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4th July 2007

Affordable eco–homes 'to inspire others'

The first fruits of former Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott's �60,000 house challenge are starting to pop up across the UK. Among the first schemes to be built as part of the 'Design for Manufacture' competition is Ge...

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3rd July 2007

Message in a Bottle

Americans spent more money last year on bottled water than on ipods or movie tickets: $15 Billion. A journey into the economics--and psychology--of an unlikely business boom. And what it says about our culture of indulge...

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3rd July 2007

Least Developed Countries Most Vulnerable to Climate Change

Efforts must be intensified to assist the world's least developed countries and small island developing States, the most vulnerable nations in the world to the impact of climate change, a top United Nations official sai...

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