Our latest News

11th August 2010

Greenpeace: help save the Ross Sea

Greenpeace has released a report titled "Saving the last ocean: How seafood markets can help to save Antarctica's Ross Sea". The report details the destructive fishing practices used to catch Antarctic toothfish, known a...

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11th August 2010

Turbine power grew to 40 per cent last year

Wind power generation across the eastern states of Australia grew by 40% last year as several large farms began operating.

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11th August 2010

Green Home welcomes Montenegro dams rethink

WWF and Green Home, its partner NGO in Montenegro, welcomed the Montenegrin government's decision to call off the original plans for four dams on the Mora?a River, which would have affected several protected areas.

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11th August 2010

UN climate deal retreats as Bonn talks end

UN climate talks have moved backward rather than forward toward a hoped-for deal later this year as nations make slow progress on pledges to cut greenhouse gas emissions and add more proposals to the working document.

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11th August 2010

China to unveil 'new energy' plan

China will soon publish a plan for what it called "newly developing energy industries" that will involve 5 trillion yuan ($739 billion) in investment through 2020.

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11th August 2010

Climate change could destroy 80 per cent of rainforest by next century

Fewer than one in five of the plants and animals which currently live in the world's rainforests will still be here in 90 years time, a study predicts.

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11th August 2010

Search launched for 'lost amphibians'

A search has been launched to find 100 'lost' frogs, toads and lizards that have not been seen for up to a century.

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11th August 2010

All new homes to run on green power by 2016

Every new home built in the UK is to be powered by a green energy plant to offset its environmental impact under government plans for zero-carbon living from 2016.

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11th August 2010

Huge ice island breaks off Greenland glacier

An ice island 100 square miles in area has broken off Petermann Glacier in Greenland, and is thought to be the biggest formation of its kind for 48 years.

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5th August 2010

25% Member Discount at the Environmental Sustainability in the Public Sector Conference

Tuesday 5th October, London. Read on for event details and how to claim your IEMA Member's discount.

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