Our latest News

6th July 2009

Flood protection investment must double

Two new reports from the Environment Agency show that one in six homes in England are at risk of flooding and that investment in the building and maintaining of flood defences will need to almost double to �1bn a year by...

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6th July 2009

UK energy bills too low says report

If the UK is to have any chance of developing new green technologies, consumers will need to pay more for energy, a group of leading scientists and engineers has warned. The Royal Society study also calls for the Governm...

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6th July 2009

Consultation on new UK coal power stations

The Department of Energy and Climate Change is consulting on its clean coal framework. The consultation details how the Government proposes to reconcile curbing emissions of carbon from future coal fired power stations i...

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6th July 2009

Mekong dolphins on brink of extinction

Pollution in the Mekong River has pushed the local population of Irrawaddy dolphins to the brink of extinction, according to a new report by WWF.

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6th July 2009

Scientists warn of growing threat to climate change from unchecked gases

An international team of scientific researchers has warned that hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) gases � used increasingly in insulation foam, air-conditioning and refrigeration � present a significant threat to global efforts to...

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6th July 2009

US House passes climate change bill

The United States has taken its first step towards reducing carbon emissions with the House of Representatives narrowly passing a bill that would set the country's first ever limits on its greenhouse gas production.

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6th July 2009

Report warns of faltering agriculture investments leaving two–thirds of rural poor behind

Today's food crisis could worsen dramatically as decades of declining investment in agriculture have constrained the ability of the world's poorest people to cope with climatic and economic shocks, according to a new rep...

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6th July 2009

Ozone layer recovery may be delayed by GHG emissions, study says

The ozone layer in the stratosphere protects life on Earth from harmful radiation, but emissions from human activity have damaged this defence. A new study suggests that ozone recovery could be delayed, or even postponed...

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25th June 2009

DEFRA and DECC Launch Consultation On Draft Guidance On How To Measure and Report Your Greenhouse Gas Emissions

IEMA are seeking your views to input into a response to this consultation. Defra and DECC have launched a joint public consultation on draft guidance for how UK organisations should measure and report their greenhouse g...

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24th June 2009

FoE Warmly Welcome the Scottish Climate Change Bill

Friends of the Earth Europe has warmly welcomed the groundbreaking Climate Change Bill passed in Scotland today.

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