Our latest News

13th August 2009

Consultation on UK's food production

The UK Government has published its first food security assessment, calling for a radical rethink of food production in the light of the challenges of climate change.

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23rd July 2009

Significant amount of Britain's energy could come from wind power, says report

Britain's energy system is already capable of taking a large amount of wind power, according to a new report commissioned by Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace, RSPB and WWF.

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23rd July 2009

UK's first specialist region for low carbon vehicles

UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown has announced that North East England is to become the UK's first Low Carbon Economic Area specialising in ultra-low carbon vehicles as Nissan confirmed its intention to invest more than �2...

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23rd July 2009

Tiny fraction of EU budget safeguards wildlife

Europe risks a rising wave of wildlife extinctions as it continues to massively under-resource and under-enforce nature and wildlife protection, WWF has warned, following the release of a report by the European Commissio...

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23rd July 2009

Impact of transport emissions on the lower atmosphere

A recent study has estimated the impact of road, aircraft and ship emissions on the atmosphere's chemical make-up in terms of ozone and the hydroxyl radical OH.

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23rd July 2009

Gene scientist to create algae biofuel with Exxon Mobil

Gene scientist Craig Venter has announced plans to develop next-generation biofuels from algae in a $600m (�370m) partnership with oil giant Exxon Mobil.

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23rd July 2009

Deserts could get greener say scientists

It has been assumed that global warming would cause an expansion of the world's deserts, but now some scientists are predicting a contrary scenario in which water and life slowly reclaim these arid places. They think vas...

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23rd July 2009

Pakistan sets new tree planting record

Three hundred volunteers in Pakistan planted 541,176 mangrove trees by hand in a single day, setting the Guinness World Record for tree planting.

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23rd July 2009

Tuvalu looks to renewables to counter rising sea levels

The Pacific island state of Tuvalu has set a goal of a 100 per cent shift to renewable energy by 2020, hoping to set an example to industrialised nations to cut greenhouse gases it blames for rising sea levels.

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23rd July 2009

Hot water use key to cutting domestic emissions says study

A new report has called for action to reduce the carbon footprint of British homes associated with hot water use.

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