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23rd July 2009

Top ten EU polluters revealed

A new interactive map has put the spotlight on major greenhouse gas polluters. Climate campaign group Sandbag has unveiled its new detailed map of all the polluters in the European Emissions Trading Scheme.

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23rd July 2009

Climate refugees will not flood rich nations, says study

Migrants uprooted by climate change in the poorest parts of the world are likely to only move locally, contrary to predictions that hundreds of millions will descend on rich countries, according to a new study.

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23rd July 2009

UK's transition to low carbon

The UK Government has set out how it plans to move the country onto a permanent low carbon footing and meet the cuts in carbon emissions set out in the budget of 34 per cent on 1990 levels by 2020.

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23rd July 2009

Renewable energy boosts economy says study

The first study to assess the economic effects of supporting renewable energy indicates that meeting the EU renewable targets could provide about 410,000 new jobs and 0.24 per cent additional GDP for the EU.

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8th July 2009

Arctic ice shows 40 per cent thinning since 2004

A new NASA study has revealed that the Arctic Ocean's permanent blanket of ice around the North Pole has thinned by more than 40 per cent since 2004. Scientists said the rapid loss was "remarkable" and said it could forc...

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7th July 2009

Child mortality goal for 2015 unattainable

The United Nations' Millennium Development Goal (MDG) to reduce the 1990 child mortality level by two-thirds by 2015 will not be achieved, according to a report by the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency.

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7th July 2009

Electronics companies backtrack on toxics phase–out

The latest edition of Greenpeace's 'Guide to Greener Electronics' ranking reveals that the world's biggest PC makers � Hewlett Packard (HP), Dell and Lenovo � have failed to improve their low scores. All three maintain a...

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7th July 2009

Climate scorecards rank G8 nations

The G8 Climate Scorecards 2008, examining the climate performance of the G8 nations and five emerging economies, show that the UK is leading the G8 nations in achieving Kyoto targets but the group is moving too slowly ov...

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7th July 2009

UN agencies join forces on early warning systems

Two United Nations agencies are collaborating on a project to improve early warning systems to try to reduce the risk posed by natural disasters and extreme weather conditions across South-East Europe.

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6th July 2009

Rising sea level to submerge Louisiana coastline, study warns

A vast swath of the coastal lands around New Orleans will be underwater by the dawn of the next century because the rate of sediment deposit in the Mississippi delta can not keep up with rising sea levels, according to a...

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