Our latest IEMA News

11th April 2007

Honda's Leading the Way in Clean Technology

The product planning decisions of a handful of powerful companies have an immense influence on the environmental health of the United States and the world.

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11th April 2007

Arctic sea ice is shrinking in 'downward spiral'

Winter sea ice in the Arctic has failed to reform fully for the third year in a row. Scientists said yesterday that the area of ocean covered by Arctic ice at the end of the winter months was lower only in March 2006.

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11th April 2007

'Put green warnings on adverts for flights'

Ads for flights, holidays and cars should carry tobacco-style health warnings to combat the public's "addiction" to polluting transport and reduce climate change, a think-tank recommended yesterday.

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11th April 2007

Dimas lashes out at US and Australia

EU Environment Commissioner Dimas was the only speaker to go beyond diplomatic politeness at the opening session of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in Brussels.

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11th April 2007

Offsetting Standards Reached

Two reforestation projects, intended to improve the immediate ecosystem as well as fight climate change, have received the first certification under comprehensive new standards launched by the Climate, Community & Bi...

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11th April 2007

Defra publishes proposals for reducing construction industry waste

Defra has published proposals for reducing the 109 million tonnes of waste produced by the UK's construction industry every year.

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11th April 2007

Climate change threatens world's natural wonders, report warns

Hundreds of the world's most precious natural and cultural sites, including the Great Barrier Reef, Mount Kilimanjaro and Venice, are under threat from climate change, a UN report warned today.

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30th March 2007

UK Carbon Emissions Rise Again

The UK's carbon emissions rose by 1.25% last year, according to provisional government data, but Britain remains on course to meet its Kyoto Protocol goal. The main reason was a move from gas to coal for electricity gene...

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28th March 2007

Brussels cuts Polish and Czech CO2 emissions plans

The European Commission has told Poland and the Czech Republic to significantly lower the CO2 limits imposed on their industry for 2008-2012, sparking a row with Warsaw and Prague.

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28th March 2007

Procurement still lacks sustainability strategies

Procurement departments in many top US firms still lack sustainability strategies and processes, according to a survey.

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