Our latest IEMA News

28th January 2007

Climate–abatement costs are not too high

Nearly half of all measures needed in industrialised countries to fight climate change can pay for themselves. This is the conclusion of a new Global Climate Abatement Plan presented by Swedish energy company Vattenfall.

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28th January 2007

Call for higher taxes to pay for damage to planet

A climate change expert called for higher taxes to combat environmental damage yesterday at a summit of business and political leaders in Davos.

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28th January 2007

Building a better environment – A guide for Developers'

A new Environment Agency report provides practical advice on making sure that new development contributes to long-term environmental quality, while take account of the increasing impacts of climate change.

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28th January 2007

London open for 'Business as Usual?'

The London Climate Change Partnership has launched 'Business as Usual?', a report that focuses on adaptation and examines how London is financially exposed to global climatic events.

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28th January 2007

Blair Believes Climate Breakthrough is Close

UK Prime Minister Tony Blair has told the World Economic Forum a major breakthrough on long-term climate change goals could be close. He told the forum in Davos, Switzerland it was possible because of a "quantum shift" ...

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28th January 2007

2050's Energy Needs Could be Met Through Renewables and Efficiency

Half of the world's energy needs in 2050 could be met by renewables and improved efficiency, a study claims.

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28th January 2007

Devon Coast Hit by Oil Spill from Storm Hit Napoli

Thousands of birds have been covered in black oil leaking from the MSC Napoli, which was beached off the Devon coast.

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28th January 2007

Bush 'must fight climate change'

Chief executives of some of the largest companies in the US have urged President George W Bush to introduce measures to tackle global warming. The executives from nine corporations said Mr Bush should support a mandator...

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28th January 2007

Made in Britain, dumped in China

Mounds of foul-smelling waste stand rotting in the cold air. The dark, smog-choked sky lowers menacingly and the river runs slowly, a black tide of toxic sludge. Sandwich boxes carrying the labels of British supermarket ...

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18th January 2007

Standard for offsetting to deliver much needed clarity .. but at what cost?

People offsetting their carbon emissions will soon be able to do so with greater clarity and certainty with the development of a voluntary standard for offsetting, released for public consultation today.

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