Our latest IEMA News

18th January 2007

FAQs for Sustainable Purchasing ...

Everyone's talking about sustainability. Some people are actually backing up their words with actions. Prince Charles has converted his chauffeur-driven Jaguar to run on vegetable oil and pledged to reduce the carbon emi...

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18th January 2007

Save energy by washing clothes at lower temperature

Britain's biggest supplier of budget clothing is recommending customers wash its clothes at a lower temperature to save energy.

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17th January 2007

Marks & Spencer launches "Plan A"– £200m 'eco–plan'

Marks & Spencer announces "Plan A", a business-wide £200m "eco-plan" which will have an impact on every part of M&S' operations over the next five years.

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17th January 2007

Stern refuses to be drawn on green taxes

The author of the government's report on climate change today refused to endorse the limited green taxes outlined by Gordon Brown in last month's pre-budget report.

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17th January 2007

Waste incinerator plans given go–ahead near Hull

A massive waste incinerator will be built near Hull after council bosses approved the controversial scheme. Hull City Council has approved the planed plant at Saltend to deal with rubbish from Hull and the East Riding.

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17th January 2007

'Not Rubbish' campaign launched for Sheffield's students

Sheffield University's Student Union The second phase of the 'Not Rubbish' campaign targeting students to use their blue bins and recycle their paper and card begins on Monday (22 January).

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14th January 2007

Groundbreaking proposals to tackle energy and greenhouse gas emissions

Ministers have welcomed the publication by the European Commission of a package of groundbreaking and farsighted proposals on energy strategy and climate change.

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14th January 2007

Sheffield Climate Focus Brings Al Gore to the UK

Climate Change is firmly on the agenda in Sheffield, after Sheffield First Environment Partnership announced plans to host the first ever exhibition for Renewable Energy and the Environment; a unique event designed to sh...

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14th January 2007

Study shows urgency of low–carbon revolution

A new World Energy Technology Outlook study published by the Commission on 8 January 2007 demonstrates the need for radical change in Europe's energy mix to face the double challenges of energy security and climate chang...

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14th January 2007

Ryanair chief attacks Brown over environment

The Ryanair chief executive, Michael O'Leary, today accused Gordon Brown of "using the environment to steal more taxes from ordinary air passengers".

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