Our latest IEMA News

14th January 2007

Airing Your Sustainable Dirty Laundry in Public Workshops

The EU-funded Leonardo project to establish a sustainability training programme for laundries and their employees, which will be available via the web, is due to be completed by September this year.

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14th January 2007

EU: Climate change will transform the face of the continent

Europe, the richest and most fertile continent and the model for the modern world, will be devastated by climate change, the European Union predicts today.

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14th January 2007

Rapid city growth means China faces rubbish crisis by 2020

China's fast-growing cities will no longer be able to cope with the amount of rubbish they produce by 2020, according to a government study. By that time the garbage produced annually by urban households and businesses i...

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14th January 2007

Car prices may rise as EU enforces lower emissions

The price of every new car sold in Britain could soar by more than �1,600 under new laws to be proposed by the European commission to tackle climate change.

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14th January 2007

Construction Sustainability Increasing Through Procurement

Demand for construction materials with high recycled content in new building projects is increasingly being driven by some of the construction industry's largest clients.

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14th January 2007

Campus converts to sustainable energies

In the wake of record-high winter temperatures, UW-Oshkosh continues promote eco-friendly resources.

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14th January 2007

Canada's New environment minister warms to task

Canada's latest environmental steward is a man with a reputation that is equal parts aggressive policy-maker and partisan brawler. John Baird, 37, was handed the Conservative government's hottest potato last week when he...

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14th January 2007

Renewables: 2010 targets will be missed

According to the latest estimates, the EU will not meet its targets for power from renewables sources (21% in 2010) or the general target of a share of 12% renewables in total energy demand by 2010.

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28th December 2006

Bears Give Up Hibernation : Global Warming

Bears have stopped hibernating in the mountains of northern Spain, scientists revealed yesterday, in what may be one of the strongest signals yet of how much climate change is affecting the natural world.

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28th December 2006

Green Buildings improve the bottom line

The green building movement is alive and well in North America, as pioneering developers and architects have proven that sustainable buildings are financially sound and even potentially lucrative, concludes a recent revi...

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