Our latest IEMA News

27th December 2006

Turn the supply chain green

Green procurement is in the ascendancy. There is heightened awareness of sustainable procurement across the profession. And the number of recycled goods suppliers is on the up. According to environmental agency London Re...

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27th December 2006

Using less energy to produce cement: Holcim

The manufacturing process of cement is both electrical and thermal energy-intensive. The environmental considerations and cost factors accompanying both sources of energy are driving Holcim to reduce energy use at its pl...

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27th December 2006

Asians Choking on Dirty Air – Experts

Every year over half-a-million people die in Asia from breathing air loaded with pollutants that are far in excess of World Health Organisation (WHO) guidelines for air quality, experts warn.

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27th December 2006

Airlines Pay Lip Service to Waste?

While the airline industry thinks a lot these days about what containers we bring on the plane, it pays a lot less attention to thousands of tons of cans, bottles, and paper that come off the aircraft headed for costly l...

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27th December 2006

20 percent of animal breeds are at risk of extinction

Around 20 percent of animal breeds are at risk of extinction, with one breed lost each month, FAO said today.

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14th December 2006

Asia's greenhouse gas 'to treble'

Asia's greenhouse gas emissions will treble over the next 25 years, according to a report commissioned by the Asian Development Bank (ADB). The report provides detailed analysis of the link between transport and climate...

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14th December 2006

This year will be Britain's warmest since records began, say scientists

Britain is on course for the warmest year since records began, according to figures from the Met Office and the University of East Anglia yesterday.

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13th December 2006

Energy Crops and Biofuels

The Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs and the Department of Trade & Industry jointly published on 16 November 'Creating value from renewable materials: a strategy for non-food crops and uses - two ...

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13th December 2006

Forest sector seeks inclusion in emissions trading

Forestry could be included in emissions trading from 2013, experts believe. According to the Stern Report, the sector holds great potential since deforestation contributes more to global warming than transport.

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13th December 2006

Food Supply at Risk of Climate Change

With only 11 per cent of the Earth's surface considered prime land for feeding a global population expected to reach 8.2 billion by 2020, early warning systems for climate change are crucial in fighting land degradation ...

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