Our latest IEMA News

12th June 2006

Big Support for Renewables in DTI Study

"Interestingly, the NOP survey commissioned by the DTI finds that despite all the hot air and scepticism from certain quarters, 85% of the general public support the use of renewable energy, 81% are in favour of wind pow...

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12th June 2006

Minister says Rome risks hefty fines for breaching EU rules

Italy must get rid of its status as the least observant EU country in the area of environmental directives, Environment Minister Alfonso Pecoraro Scanio said on Wednesday .

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12th June 2006

Mixed marks for Greece on environment

Greece is a European laggard when it comes to recycling waste and developing renewable energy sources but has made real progress in areas such as wastewater management and organic farming, according to a European Environ...

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12th June 2006

Germany remains world leader in PV market

With 603 MW(peak) installed, Germany remained the leading photovoltaic market in the world in 2005, positioned far ahead of Japan and the USA. This is one of the conclusions published in the Photovoltaic Energy Barometer...

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12th June 2006

European Climate Change Campaign – "You Control Climate Change"

A campaign to convince Europeans they can help stop climate change has been launched by the European Commission. The campaign is called "You Control Climate Change" and aims to show how everyday actions can lead to cuts ...

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12th June 2006

EU urged to face up to foreign energy policy challenge

The Commission and Javier Solana have issued a joint paper proposing immediate actions that would allow EU nations to handle the growing dependence on foreign energy suppliers such as Russia.

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12th June 2006

CIPFA – Public Sector Reporting Standards to be Launched

The first comprehensive framework for UK public sector organisations to report on their contribution to sustainable development, will be launched at the CIPFA Annual Conference in Harrogate on Thursday 15 June 2006.

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12th June 2006

Beijing's inaugural "no–car day" fails to get out of first gear

Beijing launched its inaugural "no-car day" Monday to combat the city's worsening pollution woes, but traffic was as grid-locked as ever and the grey air remained dense with exhaust fumes.

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12th June 2006

Uk Climate Change MP Pearson extends climate links with Ireland

Environment Minister Ian Pearson and his Irish counterpart Dick Roche have met to discuss how the two nations can best deal with the unavoidable impact of climate change.

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12th June 2006

Design e2: The Economies of Being Environmentally Conscious

'Tis the season, or so the media would have us believe, to be green. Al Gore is preaching the gospel of sustainability in multiplexes across the country. Elle and Vanity Fair magazines published dueling green issues this...

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