Our latest IEMA News

28th June 2006

Minister for Housing Makes Commitment to Renewable Energy

On 9 February the Minister for Energy informed the Standing Committee of the Climate Change and Sustainable Energy Bill that I would undertake an urgent review of local plans to determine whether there is a problem with ...

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28th June 2006

Making tomorrow's buildings more energy efficient

Apace with the growing awareness of the impacts of greenhouse gas emissions on climate, the building industry has been subject to criticism for not pushing harder for the development of more environmentally sound constru...

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28th June 2006

Defra urges green action on all counts

A new government initiative involving voluntary and community groups has been launched to protect the environment and combat climate change.

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26th June 2006

UN Agency Launches Multi–Million Dollar Transport Project to Tackle Climate Change

Aiming to curb greenhouse gas emissions by at least 100,000 tonnes a year, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) today launched a multi-million dollar public transport project covering three major Latin America...

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26th June 2006

Commission attempts to balance transport and environmental needs

The Commission's updated Europe's transport policy seeks to improve citizens' mobility and boost competitiveness, while keeping down energy consumption and reducing the negative impacts on the environment.

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26th June 2006

European leaders renew sustainable development commitments

EU heads of states and government strengthened the review of the EU's sustainable development strategy demanding more focus for sustainable production and consumption. But the relationship between this strategy and the E...

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26th June 2006

UK Sustainable Procurement Task Force Action Plan launched

The government has to lead the way in practicing and encouraging sustainable procurement if the UK is to thrive in this sector, according to a new action plan.

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26th June 2006

Over 13m Deaths Due to Environmental Causes Each Year are Preventable

More than 13 million deaths around the world each year are due to avoidable environmental causes and the lives of as many as 4 million children alone, mostly in developing countries, could be saved by preventing such eco...

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26th June 2006

Greening Shops and Saving Costs

The new UNEP Resource Kit Greening Shops and Saving Costs explains in a simple step-by-step approach how to successfully implement sustainability strategies in shops and therefore lead to cost-savings and new business op...

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26th June 2006

Night flights twice as bad for environment – study

David Adam, environment correspondent for The Guardian writes: A nationwide ban on night flights would significantly reduce the aviation industry's impact on the climate, a new study shows. Scientists have found that the...

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