Our latest IEMA News

12th July 2006

UK Government to cut planning restrictions for Micro–Generation

The Government is to cut planning restrictions on micro-renewable technology as a new report proposes streamlining the planning system for household applications.

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12th July 2006

EIA Nowehere to Be Seen?

The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Directive requires Member States to carry out environmental impact assessments of certain public and private projects, before they are authorised, where it is believed that the p...

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12th July 2006

Blair presses nuclear button, but will the market stump up the cash?

The UK Government yesterday ruled out subsidies for nuclear power or market mechanisms such as a "nuclear obligation" requiring suppliers to buy a set proportion of their needs from nuclear stations, raising doubts as to...

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12th July 2006

Car industry needs carbon trading

The Financial Times, reported on 3 July 2006 - Breathing in exhaust fumes in central London as I cycle to work, I can easily understand why carmakers get so much of the blame for global warming. Few people own anything t...

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12th July 2006

ETS – Cap to be Imposed in the UK

The UK is to impose a cap of 238 million tonnes of carbon dioxide a year on industry during the 2008-12 phase of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), it announced today.

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12th July 2006

Businesses face carbon rationing 'within five years'

Business leaders across the region have been warned that a carbon-rationing regime is likely to be in place by the end of this decade - unless they drastically reduce their use of fossil fuels. The claim was made in a ...

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12th July 2006

Hardwood – Hard Knocks For Blair as Greenpeace expose Illegal Timber in No10 Policy Unit

Greenpeace activists scale Admiralty Arch as investigation exposes Government's use of illegal timber. The Prime Minister's efforts to portray himself as an environmental champion suffered another set-back today as Gre...

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12th July 2006

Miliband outlines Defra's priorities ... Dear Tony ...

Environment Secretary David Miliband has set out the Department's priorities in an open letter to Prime Minister Tony Blair. He took the opportunity to explain the key areas of focus for Defra and how it will go about me...

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12th July 2006

EU Parliament backs CO2 cap on air traffic

MEPs have backed the idea of including aviation in the EU's cap-and-trade system for CO2 emissions and for ending tax exemptions on kerosene. The airline industry reacted furiously, saying the proposals totally ignore ec...

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29th June 2006

Government targets low carbon economy

Environment Secretary David Miliband today announced the UK's proposal for the next period of the European Union's Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS). The proposal outlines the contribution business needs to make to help ...

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