Our latest IEMA News

26th June 2006

EC Waste Policy is 'Foggy'

The Commission's proposals on waste are foggy on key definitions that are at the heart of the new strategy focusing on life-cycle thinking, a panel of MEPs, business and NGO experts agreed.

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26th June 2006

EU Falling Short on Climate Treaty Targets

New figures released on Thursday have revealed that the EU is falling far short of reaching its emissions targets under the international climate change treaty, the Kyoto Protocol. Instead greenhouse gas pollution rose f...

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26th June 2006

Green Children's Centre For Bristol

Planning has been granted for an innovative green primary school and children's centre, with associated community facilities at Barton Hill in Bristol. Designed by sustainability architects Architype, the building on the...

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26th June 2006

A breath of foul air: EU Environment Committee votes to weaken health protection safeguards

The European Parliament's Environment Committee today voted on a Directive fixing health-protection standards for outdoor air quality, which weakens existing health safeguards by allowing anti-pollution measures to be po...

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26th June 2006

MEPs want tight, yet flexible air quality rules

Limit values on pollution caused by vehicle fuel exhausts and agriculture could be tightened if the EP follows the opinion of its environment committee in September. Environmentalists say the new limits are "a smokescree...

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26th June 2006

UK Government Promotes Attitude and Climate Change

The Government took a new approach in its campaign to change public attitudes to tackling climate change. It announced the winners of Defra's Climate Challenge Fund, where 53 projects from across England will attempt to ...

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13th June 2006

IEMA welcomes its 10,000th member

On the Wednesday 31st May 2006, the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA) welcomed its 10,000th member.

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12th June 2006

Report: Cutting energy use in buildings could save EU billions

Commissioner Piebalgs and European energy ministers have committed to fully exploiting existing EU legislation on energy efficiency in buildings. According to insulation manufacturers, �270 billion euro a year can be sav...

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12th June 2006

Europe losing species and habitats at a dramatic rate - WWF

According to a series of surveys carried out by WWF and its partners as part of the European Habitats Forum (EHF), the diversity of Europe's wildlife and habitats continues to be lost at a dramatic rate.

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12th June 2006

World Uranium Resources 'Ample' for Projected Nuclear Energy Needs Say UN

Global uranium resources are more than adequate to meet projected requirements for nuclear electricity generation, according to the latest edition of a United Nations-backed world reference guide.

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