Our latest IEMA News

28th November 2005

Stavros Dimas advocates a 25% share of renewable energy

The Commissioner of the Environment, Stavros Dimas, advocates a 25% share of renewable energy in 2020 within the EU. Reacting to the recent call of the European Parliament, Dimas spoke at the Beijing International Renewa...

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28th November 2005

Global warming poses ethical challenge

Global warming poses an enormous ethical challenge because countries that produce the least amount of greenhouse gases will suffer the most from climate change, scientists said on Wednesday.

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28th November 2005

Tougher vehicle emission rules eyed

Massachusetts is set to adopt tough new standards by the end of the year that would significantly reduce auto emissions linked to global warming, joining a growing list of states battling the auto industry to produce cle...

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28th November 2005

Developed Countries Cut GHG Emissions – But UN Calls for More

Developed countries, taken as a group, have achieved sizable reductions of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, but further efforts are needed to sustain these reductions in gases blamed for global warming and cut them furthe...

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28th November 2005

'Culture change' on environment

Worldwide interest in the threat from greenhouse gases has undergone a "massive change", the government's chief scientific adviser has said. Sir David King told the Commons Environmental Audit Committee he had noticed a...

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28th November 2005

CO2 Higher than Ever Claims Study

Current levels of the greenhouse gases carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere are higher now than at any time in the last 650,000 years. That is the conclusion of new European studies looking at ice taken from 3km...

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16th November 2005

Public Sector Must Adapt to Climate Change

Scotland's public sector bodies will need to adapt to the effects of climate change in the future, according to a research report published today.

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16th November 2005

Water builds the heat in Europe

Water vapour rather than carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is the main reason why Europe's climate is warming, according to a new study.

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16th November 2005

Deforestation Slowing?

The speed of global deforestation is showing signs of slowing down because of new planting and natural forest extension, according to new figures.

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16th November 2005

UK Waters Recovering from Acid Rain

Some of the UK's most environmentally sensitive lakes and streams are recovering from the effects of acid rain.

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