Our latest IEMA News

28th November 2005

Call to order new nuclear reactors

Prime Minister Tony Blair should "give the green light" to a new generation of nuclear reactors, his chief scientific adviser said. Mr Blair faces stiff opposition from green groups and some in his Labour Party if he san...

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28th November 2005

Novel take on global warming

Michael Crichton's latest novel, State of Fear, is an action-packed thriller in which the hero is a scientist who discovers that climate change is all a fraud.

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28th November 2005

Montreal Tests Tony Blair's Leadership on Climate Change

The Montreal Climate Talks will be the crucial test of Tony Blair's commitment to tackling climate change, Friends of the Earth said today, as speculation grows around the UK Government's line. Representatives from 190 c...

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28th November 2005

Lottery Opportunities for Environment

The Big Lottery Fund has urged organisations to �go the extra green mile', to channel funding as part of its new �Changing Spaces' programme. The scheme focuses on encouraging local communities in England to develop thei...

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28th November 2005

Kyoto's the key

Environment groups are alarmed at the conflicting signals Tony Blair has been giving on climate change. Tony Juniper urges the UK to lead the fight for legally-binding agreements at next week's talks in Montreal.

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28th November 2005

Winter Freeze Predictions Worries Billpayers

Consumers worried about climate change are being asked by the Government to take a closer look at their next electricity bill and think about switching to the greenest suppliers.

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28th November 2005

High Home Heating Prices: Issues and Solutions

Results of research on rising home heating prices by the Union of Concerned Scientists As temperatures fall this winter, families across the United States can expect to pay significantly more to heat their homes.

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28th November 2005

Green Conference Questions 2012 Olympics Sustainability Claims

Britain's workforce may lack many of the skills needed to make London's 2012 Olympics the most sustainable yet. This was the message at the European Parliament's Green Group conference being held in London last week to m...

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28th November 2005

Green Party Claim Nuclear Agenda is Deplorable

News that the Government may be ready to give the go-ahead to a new generation of nuclear power stations, has today been deemed "deplorable" by Green Party Principal Speaker Keith Taylor.

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28th November 2005

EU Court Grants UK Bid to Increase CO2 Pollution

THE European Court in Luxembourg has upheld the UK's right to emit 20m more tonnes of CO2 under the EU's Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) than initially agreed.

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