Our latest IEMA News

6th September 2005

London Launch of

The launch of the London Region of the National Industrial Symbiosis Programme (NISP) - www.nisp.org.uk - takes place at London Zoo on 27th September at 4.00pm. IEMA members are welcome to attend - more info at:

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6th September 2005

French air ticket tax set to clash with EU green plans

France will go ahead as of 2006 with a levy on airlines to finance development aid, President Chirac has announced on 29 August. But the tax could upset a separate EU proposal to cap pollution from airplanes.

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6th September 2005

FoE Slam UK Government for Emissions Breach

The UK Government looks set to breach its target under the Kyoto Protocol as new government figures reveal that carbon dioxide emissions have continued to rise in the first six months of this year. Analysis of the data b...

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6th September 2005

Boost to CO2 mass extinction idea

A computer simulation of the Earth's climate 250 million years ago suggests that global warming triggered the so-called "great dying".

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6th September 2005

Apes 'extinct in a generation'

Some of the great apes - chimps, gorillas, and orangutans - could be extinct in the wild within a human generation, a new assessment concludes. Human settlement, logging, mining and disease mean that orangutans in parts ...

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6th September 2005

EU Deal with China Promises Action on Tackling Climate Change

Friends of the Earth has welcomed the announcement of a new EU and China Partnership on Climate Change.

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1st September 2005

Salary Survey

There is just 1 week left to complete your IEMA Environmental Practitioner Survey which was sent to all members on 22nd July 2005.

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23rd August 2005

Preserving Portugal's cork heritage for the next generation

This summer Ant�nio Gon�alves Ferreira is harvesting the cork trees of his grandparents under a hot Iberian sun. Taking a break from the labour-intensive activity to survey his farm, which has been in his family for five...

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23rd August 2005

Climate Change and Biodiversity Conservation

Climate Change and Biodiversity Conservation: Knowledge needed to support development of integrated adaptation strategies 29th August � September 16th 2005.

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23rd August 2005

Pakistan's Prime Minister Calls for Environmental Protection

Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz has directed the environment ministry to work out a reliable plan to do away with marine pollution caused by crude oil leakage from ship. He gave this direction at a briefing by environment mi...

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