Our latest IEMA News

10th August 2005

Low Carbon Road Transport Challenge

The Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership (LowCVP) last week issued a challenge to the UK's transport policy and academic communities to contribute original or innovative proposals to enable the UK to accelerate the shift to lo...

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10th August 2005

CBI Welcomes Business Progress on Environmental Performance

The CBI has welcomed the progress made by business in environmental performance as reported in the Environment Agency's annual 'Spotlight on Business' report published on Thursday.

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9th August 2005

Significant 'discovery' for oil companies –– sustainability

Sustainability is big in corporate America today. The word, that is. Once an arcane term used chiefly by foresters and agricultural researchers, "sustainable" has become the label of choice that executives use to describ...

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9th August 2005

'Water Pressure: Climate change, droughts and water resource management in Wales'

A new report published by the Welsh Consumer Council warns that climate change and the lack of promotion of water conservation by water companies, is putting the water supply in Wales under increasing pressure.

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9th August 2005

Rio Tinto's Mine in Madagascar Gets Go–ahead

Friends of the Earth said it was extremely disappointed by Rio Tinto's decision, announced today (Wednesday), to go ahead with an titanium dioxide mine on the island of Madagascar. Campaigners objected to the mine which ...

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9th August 2005

Carbon Reduction Strategy Report

"Carbon Reduction Strategy Report CRed, the East-Anglia based carbon reduction programme linked to the University of East Anglia, have launched a new Carbon Reduction Strategy Report.

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9th August 2005

Launch of "From the Mountain to the Tap: How Land Use and Water Management can Work for the Rural Poor"

During World Water Week in Stockholm 21 � 27 August 2005 we will informally launch the report "From the Mountain to the Tap: How Land Use and Water Management can Work for the Rural Poor" which summarises research commis...

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9th August 2005

Turbines on the roof: Camden Council set to become wind powered

The Green Party is celebrating today's announcement that proposals to build wind turbines on the roof of the Town Hall were given planning permission.

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8th August 2005

Scots Feeling the Warmth

Scotland's temperature has risen half way towards the limit recommended by scientists, according to WWF Scotland, reports the BBC.

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8th August 2005

Antarctic melt 'an urgent message'

Australian press and media were reporting concerns that another Antarctic ice shelf could soon collapse sending a strong message to the Federal Government to take urgent action on climate change.

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