Our latest IEMA News

8th August 2005

Morley Urges 'Green Holidays'

Holidaymakers flying to the sun this summer are being are being encouraged to consider 'carbon offsetting' as way of reducing the environmental impact of their holiday travel by Environment Minister Elliot Morley.

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7th August 2005

Surprise US–China climate pact meets with scepticism

A group of six nations, including the US, China, India and Australia, have announced a surprise pact to fight climate change mainly based on technology transfers. The deal was cautiously welcomed by the EU.

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7th August 2005

China Faces Up to Sustainability Challenge

China, a country with spectacular economic growth - averaging almost 10 per cent a year over the past quarter century - faces enormous environmental challenges.

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7th August 2005

Healthy Futures No 3: Buildings and Sustainable Development

The Sustainable Development Commission's third Healthy Futures publication explores the impact that the NHS can have on health, the environment and communities by building sustainably.

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7th August 2005

Greens Urge Greater Commitment to Energy Efficiency

The Green Party acknowledged the results of the government's Energy Efficiency Commitment initiative, which reduced domestic carbon emissions by one percent and has saved low income homes �175 million since 2002. The sch...

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7th August 2005

Airport expansion is bad for the economy, new research shows

The boom in flights from the UK’s regional airports is coming at a hefty cost to the economy, with some regions losing around five times more revenue than they gain from aviation, according to new research published toda...

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7th August 2005

Biomass Study Report Published by DEFRA and DTI

The Biomass Study Task Force, commissioned by Defra and DTI, today published a report with its emerging findings.

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7th August 2005

British Industry Cuts Carbon Emissions By 14.4 Million Tonnes

Defra has released new statistics on its climate change agreements (CCAs) which it says show British industry has cut it’s carbon dioxide emissions by 14.4 million tonnes last year, that is more than double the target se...

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7th August 2005

Environment Ministry Analyses Bio–Diversity in Eastern Region

With the objective to outline the National Bio-diversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP), the Ministry of Environment and Urbanism holds on Wednesday, in Saurimo, a regional seminar for Eastern region, that includes the...

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28th July 2005

Sustainable Procurement Task Force

The SPTF held their first meeting on 26th May. The Task Force is charged with drawing up an action plan by April 2006 to bring about a step-change in sustainable public procurement so that the UK is among the leaders in ...

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