Our latest IEMA News

11th July 2005

Everest Must be Put on UN Danger List

Sir Edmund Hillary has joined environmental campaigners and lawyers in urging the UNESCO World Heritage Committee, who are meeting in Durban, South Africa this week, to place Mount Everest on the UN endangered list becau...

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30th June 2005

Sustainable development indicators in your pocket published

A free pocket-sized booklet, presenting a new set of sustainable development indicators has been published today, Thursday 30 June. Indicators in the booklet were outlined within the UK Government's Sustainable Developme...

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30th June 2005

Climate Change Key to Poverty Plans Not Going 'Up in Smoke'

A unique coalition of aid and environment groups, launched in October 2004 to battle the unprecedented threat climate changes poses to human development, today published its second report. Africa: Up in Smoke? makes it c...

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30th June 2005

Teachers Take the Lead on Climate Change

Over a thousand teachers and youth workers have signed up for a new free resource pack on climate change, published this month by Friends of the Earth, as climate change tops the political agenda in the run up to the G8 ...

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30th June 2005

EU, China boast "consensus" on environment

Following a meeting in Brussels on 14 June, Chinese Environment Minister Xie Zhenhua and Environment Commissioner Stavros Dimas say they will co-operate on environmental issues including air pollution, biodiversity and c...

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30th June 2005

Carmakers under pressure to speed up CO2 cuts

The average new car in the EU-15 was releasing almost 12% less CO2 in 2003 than it did in 1995, according to a Commission report. But pressure is growing, especially from Berlin, to push automakers to make further cuts. ...

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30th June 2005

Energy in Central Europe: How sustainable?

A seminar organised by EurActiv in the European Parliament on 30 June will look at the energy situation of the ten countries that joined the EU on 1 May 2004. EurActiv brings a rough overview of a complex situation.

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30th June 2005

It is big and it is clever – UK Govt Gets Big on Procurement

The UK government means business on public procurement. Esther Maughan McLachlan talks to Sir Neville Simms, the man charged with making it work.

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29th June 2005

Supply Chain Linked in Business Risk

Supply Chain Key Element in the Management of Business Risk say Europe's Accountants. Independent assurance can provide credibility regarding the effectiveness of the code of conduct demanded of suppliers.

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29th June 2005

Orang–utan rescue in the heart of Borneo

Jikkie Jonkman of WWF-Netherlands writes: Beethoven flatly refuses to come down from his nest high up in the trees. He's been sitting up there for more than an hour eating some fruit, barely paying attention to his many ...

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