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11th February 2009

Climate history 'helps conserve'

Understanding a region's climatic history can help locate areas rich in species, scientists say.

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11th February 2009

Keep it personal: how to encourage energy efficiency

Household energy consumption accounts for over a quarter of all energy consumption in the EU, but previous campaigns to encourage energy efficiency in the home have proved unsuccessful.

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11th February 2009

Irish minister bans climate change adverts

An advertising campaign urging people to help tackle climate change has been banned by Northern Ireland's Environment minister because he does not believe humans are the main cause of global warming.

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11th February 2009

Gloucestershire town to turn street lights off at night

A town in Gloucestershire will cut its carbon emissions by switching off up to half its street lights at night.

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11th February 2009

Quarter of UK homes to be offered a green makeover

More than one in four homes in the UK will be offered a complete eco-makeover under ambitious plans expected to be announced this week to slash fuel bills and cut global warming pollution.

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11th February 2009

Tanzania develops low carbon economy

After a lifetime crouching over charcoal stoves in cramped, airless huts, many Tanzanian women find the whites of their eyes are stained red by the time they hit sixty. In rural areas, where superstition is rife and educ...

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11th February 2009

High winds slash Spanish energy prices

Spain's investment in renewables is paying dividends for distributors whose costs have plunged this year as winds buffet the country.

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11th February 2009

Thefts puncture Paris bike scheme

A popular bicycle rental scheme in Paris that has transformed travel in the city has run into problems just 18 months after its successful launch.

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29th January 2009

Gore urges action on stimulus plan's environmental provisions

Al Gore reprised his role as environmental prophet today, laying out a road map for Barack Obama to push through his ambitious green agenda and re-assert American leadership on global climate change negotiations.

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29th January 2009

Definition of Zero Carbon Homes and Non–Domestic Buildings

Defra has launched a 12 week consultation proposing a definition of zero carbon new homes, based on high energy efficiency, on or near site carbon reduction, and allowable solutions for dealing with the remaining emissio...

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