Our latest News

31st July 2008

'A Green New Deal : Joined up Policies to Solve the Triple Crunch

A new group of experts in finance, energy and the environment have come together to propose a 'Green New Deal' for the UK in order to address the 'triple crunch' currently facing the global economy; a combination of a cr...

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31st July 2008

'Building a Greener Britain' – ECI Report

A new research report, conducted by the Environmental Change Institute for the Federation of Master Builders (FMB), suggests that building firms, product manufacturers and suppliers could stand to tap into a new market ...

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31st July 2008

DfT Sustainable Development Action Plan

The Department for Transport has published its latest action plan, which sets out their commitments to delivering sustainable development.

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31st July 2008

Carbon Emissions from Schools – SDC Report

In this study for the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), the Sustainable Development Commission argues that decisive action, bold decisions and strong support from central and local government could al...

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31st July 2008

How green is ethanol made from sugarcane?

A recent study has concluded that expanding the amount of land in Brazil used to grow sugarcane for ethanol could have serious environmental and social consequences.

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31st July 2008

Food safety in the face of climate change

The potential impact of climate change on food safety is considered in a new report by The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). The report aims to raise awareness of the issue and to facilitat...

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31st July 2008

SEI experts contribute to Blair report on climate change

Climate change specialist and lead author Richard J.T. Klein along with contributors Frank Ackerman, Thomas E. Downing, Sivan Kartha, Bo Kjell�n, �sa Persson, Lisa Schipper and Paul Watkiss provided the analysis on ada...

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31st July 2008

Greece must embrace renewable energy to meet Kyoto targets

Unlike most other EU Member States, Greece was allowed a limited increase in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions under the Kyoto Protocol (25 per cent by 2012 compared with 1990 levels). However, at current rates of increas...

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31st July 2008

Zero carbon code sought

The UK Green Building Council has launched a consultation on definitive measures to meet the 2019 zero carbon target for non-domestic buildings.

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31st July 2008

Digesting the problem

Britain has fallen well behind much of Europe when it comes to utilising manure from farms and waste from abattoirs and food processors to create gas and electricity. But that could soon change.

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