Our latest News

3rd July 2008

East Riding and Derbyshire Turn Down Wind Projects

The views of two of Beverley's most iconic buildings could be ruined if plans to create a wind farm are given the go-ahead, according to East Riding Council. The local authority warned stunning views of the Minster and S...

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3rd July 2008

Smarter technology could cut emissions 15% by 2020 - report

Better use of computer and communication technology could reduce global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by 15% by 2020 and save businesses £500 billion ($800 billion) a year, says a report from The Climate Group and the G...

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3rd July 2008

Bottled water debate hits a boiling point

A debate over water is boiling over in the United States and elsewhere amid growing environmental concerns about bottled water and questions about safety of tap water.

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3rd July 2008

Identifying climate change impacts of global imports

The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) is today publishing a report which identifies the CO2 emissions created by goods and services imported into the UK.

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3rd July 2008

Local areas will tackle environmental challenges

The environment, including climate change, is now firmly part of local government priorities throughout England.

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20th June 2008

Tribid Bus Launches in Wales

Coinciding with World Environment Day, Wales launched Europe's first carbon-free minibus powered by three different green technologies; hydrogen fuel cell, lead acid battery technology and ultra-capacitators.

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20th June 2008

Carbon Neutral Stirling

With funding from the Big Lottery Fund and the Scottish Government, the community-led 'Going Carbon Neutral Stirling' project is aiming to transform Stirling into the UK's first carbon neutral city.

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20th June 2008

New grants for biomass producers

Farmers, foresters and biomass producers can apply for up to �200,000 each under a new round of grants.

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20th June 2008

Forest biomass from Sweden efficient fuel; long distance exports cost–effective

According to a PhD thesis to be defended at the Mid Sweden University, the utilization of biomass from managed forests as a source of green energy is efficient at reducing CO2 emissions and at replacing fossil fuels.

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20th June 2008

MOD Landmark Agreement on Wind Development

A landmark agreement has been reached between a number of Government departments, including the Ministry of Defence, and industry which aims to remove aviation and radar barriers to the major expansion of wind energy.

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