Our latest News

17th July 2008

Climate change: US environmental agency delays emissions regulation until end of Bush term

The US environmental protection agency (EPA) announced today that no action will be taken to regulate carbon emissions while George Bush remains president.

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17th July 2008

Govts acting too slow on climate change

Governments are not acting fast enough to reduce carbon emissions, a climate change rally in Melbourne has heard.

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17th July 2008


A peer set of small (4%) but powerful group of consumers,� or "Greenfluencers," are driving trends and shaping purchasing decisions in the mass market, according to a study of nearly 12,000 U.S. adults conducted by Porte...

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17th July 2008

Britain: a leader in tackling climate change? Far from it, says new report

Britain's true contribution to global warming is much higher than official figures show, ministers admit. And it has been rising rapidly at the very time that they have been boasting that it has been falling.

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17th July 2008

Voluntary Contribution to Carbon Reduction

Environmental activist Malcolm Shepherd is pressing ministers hard on carbon reduction and believes that the voluntary sector can play a key role in meeting targets.

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16th July 2008

EU promotes sustainable products and technologies

Improving the environmental performance and in particular the energy efficiency of products and stimulating their market uptake are the core objectives of a package recently proposed by the European Commission.

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3rd July 2008

UK Government's Renewable Plans

The government has announced that a national policy statement for planners on renewable energy is due out this autumn.

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3rd July 2008

Climate change is 'top of priorities' – CBI

CBI director-general Richard Lambert has warned politicians that the economic slowdown is no reason for them to get distracted from taking urgent action to tackle climate change and secure the UK's future energy supply.

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3rd July 2008

Local Authorities Have A Big Role in Flood Prevention: Pitt

Sir Michael Pitt has published his Independent Review into the floods of 2007 which calls on the government to set out publicly how it will improve the country's flood resilience.

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3rd July 2008

Tories say 2.3m motorists to lose out in backdated green car tax

More than 2 million people will be made worse off by government plans to increase the car tax on environmentally unfriendly vehicles bought over the last seven years, the Tories claimed yesterday.

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