Our latest News

31st July 2008

Andrews stands by climate policy duty

Climate change will be a prime consideration in national policy statements (NPSs), communities minister Baroness Andrews insisted this week. Her remarks during a Lords debate on the Planning Bill were prompted by Tory pe...

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17th July 2008

Biogas Backed by British Govt

Fifty senior industry and NGO executives met Defra ministers today to discuss multi-million pound plans to make greater use of anaerobic digestion - the technology which produces energy from organic material like food wa...

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17th July 2008

Report warns of "hidden costs" of wind power

As the wind industry meets for a major conference in Wales today, a new report was published this week claiming that wind power faces "hidden costs" and "reliability issues".

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17th July 2008

ISO 15270 will help expand plastics recovery and recycling worldwide

A new ISO International Standard will assist the emerging worldwide market for plastic recovery and recycling. Because plastic products are traded internationally and many of the plastic resin manufacturing companies and...

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17th July 2008

Wind Chill - Why wind energy will not fill the UK's energy gap

Wind energy promises a clean and free source of electricity. It could reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and will reduce climate change. But does wind power live up to the claims made by its advocates?

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17th July 2008

Comfort in a Lower Carbon Society

This special issue of Buildings and Research International challenges the existing notions, standards and expectations for what constitutes 'comfort' within the built environment, explores the possibilities for alternati...

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17th July 2008

"Selling Sustainability" Seven Lessons from Advertising and Marketing to Sell Low Carbon Living

Addressing the climate change issue will require millions of individuals to change their everyday behaviour, from the power they use at home, to how they travel; 40% of UK greenhouse gases come directly from individual b...

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17th July 2008

Can air quality damage athletes?

Imagine you are an Olympic athlete who has spent most of your life training towards what could be your one shot at a gold medal.

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17th July 2008

Cutting Waste through Good Food Procurement

Food buyers must see long term to cut waste Buyers in the food industry should develop longer-term strategies to tackle the problems of waste and high prices in the supply chain.

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17th July 2008

Welsh press green homes

Buildings in Wales could be expected to include renewable and low-carbon energy under proposed planning policies to tackle climate change launched yesterday.

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