Our latest News

2nd August 2007

Environment a concern for businesswomen

Australian businesswomen list environmental concerns as a top priority, as the nation's financial landscape shifts to accommodate climate change issues.

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2nd August 2007

Individual Actions to Improve Transport Energy Efficiency

In 2002, Europe consumed approximately 15% of the world's energy, making it one of the largest energyconsuming regions of the world. Between 2000 and 2030, the energy consumption of the European Union is predicted to inc...

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2nd August 2007

Publication of the new Air Quality Strategy for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Jonathan Shaw, Defra Minister, announced in Parliament the publication of a new Air Quality Strategy for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

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2nd August 2007

Human activity linked to heavier rainfall

Greenhouse gas emissions from human activity are causing global shifts in rainfall patterns and contributing to wetter weather over the UK, climate scientists say today.

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2nd August 2007

Biodiversity Guidance Produced by DEFRA

Guidance on the biodiversity duty under Section 40 of the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act (NERC), has been published today by Defra.

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2nd August 2007

Zerocarbonbritain – How to Get There

In 1977, the Centre for Alternative Technology produced Britain's first Alternative Energy Strategy. Thirty years on, CAT has built a fresh consensus around a pragmatic new energy strategy: zerocarbonbritain.

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2nd August 2007

'Mad' fines of £200,000 jeopardise Scots green energy sector

Plans to turn Scotland into the renewable-energy powerhouse of Europe are under threat from new rules being proposed by the UK electricity regulator, experts warned last night.

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2nd August 2007

Parched, burning southern Europe; flooded north: Is it climate change?

It's been a season of extremes for Europe. Greece has seen its hottest temperatures ever recorded; Britain, its wettest summer. Are the two linked by climate change?

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2nd August 2007

Hurricane boost 'due to warm sea'

A new analysis of Atlantic hurricanes says their numbers have doubled over the last century.

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2nd August 2007

Meat production 'beefs up emissions'

Producing 1kg of beef results in more CO2 emissions than going for a three-hour drive while leaving all the lights on at home, scientists said today.

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