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2nd August 2007

One Million Irish Homes Poorly Insulated Says Renewable Energy Skills

Almost a million Irish homes built before 1997 are poorly insulated and energy inefficient, according to the country's leading renewable energy association.

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2nd August 2007

Golf Courses Impact on the Environment

Although golf courses are large areas of open space, certainly more desirable ecologically than equivalent amounts of paved highway or polluting industrial operations, they are less "green" than they appear.

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2nd August 2007

Little green friends that cut car tax to zero

For the first time in almost 100 years it will soon be possible for British motorists to drive a car without paying any road tax. A new generation of super efficient vehicles is promising carbon dioxide emissions of less...

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2nd August 2007

A German City's Long Focus on the Sun

Rolf Disch has harnessed the sun in his city of Freiburg, starting with his own house. It looks like an upside-down Apollo spacecraft and serves as a testing ground for ideas dreamed up by the 63-year-old solar architect...

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2nd August 2007

Renewable energy projects will devour huge amounts of land, warns researcher

Large-scale renewable energy projects will cause widespread environmental damage by industrialising vast swaths of countryside, a leading scientist claims today.

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2nd August 2007

Green & Affordable Homes

Portsmouth and Liverpool are both introducing green schemes for their less affluent citizens. A total of 71 affordable and sustainable homes will be built in Portsmouth. The development will consist of a mix of one and t...

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2nd August 2007

MPs urge government to use incentives to boost water freight

The government should consider introducing financial incentives for businesses to move freight by water rather than road or rail, a committee of MPs urges today.

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2nd August 2007

Asia's brown clouds 'warm planet'

Clouds of pollution over the Indian Ocean appear to cause as much warming as greenhouse gases released by human activity, a study has suggested.

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18th July 2007

Reducing Waste in Building Design

The Waste & Resources Action Programme has launched the Net Waste Method, a performance measurement tool to help contractors reduce waste and increase recycled content of buildings in the U.K.

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18th July 2007

Sun's Radiation Decreasing Blows Holes in Climate Change Sunspot Argument

A new study is punching holes in the alternative theory that recent global warming is not caused by human activity but by solar radiation, claiming the sun's radiation has been decreasing over the last 25 years.

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