Our latest News

21st July 2010

Pollutant emissions fall significantly

The European Union air pollutant emission inventory report compiled by the European Environment Agency (EEA) shows that the EU-27 has cut sulphur oxides (SOx) emissions by 78% since 1990. The decline was particularly sha...

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21st July 2010

Threat to Lanzarote's biosphere status

Unesco has threatened to strip Lanzarote of its prized biosphere status because of a rash of illegal building along its coast.

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21st July 2010

Egypt plans 100MW solar power plant

The Egyptian Electricity Ministry has unveiled plans to build a new $700m 100MW solar power plant between 2012 and 2017 that should further establish the country as one of the leading developers of utility-scale solar pl...

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7th July 2010

Tar balls from Deepwater Horizon reach Texas

More than two months after oil from BP's exploded well on the seabed first reached shore in Louisiana, tar balls have washed on to two Texas beaches, meaning that all five states on the Gulf of Mexico have now been affec...

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7th July 2010

Australian leader changed over climate change

In what may come to be seen as a pivotal moment in the global politics of climate change, members of Australia's ruling Labor Party dumped Prime Minister Kevin Rudd in favour of his deputy, Julia Gillard.

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7th July 2010

Greywater deemed safe for irrigation

'Greywater' that is recycled from household washing can be used to irrigate home gardens, according to a new study by Jordanian researchers. The researchers found that treatment units supplied by the Jordanian Government...

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7th July 2010

Study links bee decline to mobile phones

A new study has suggested that mobile phone radiation may be contributing to declines in bee populations in some areas of the world.

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7th July 2010

Real emissions cuts in Europe preferable

Europe should concentrate on making real emissions cuts in Europe, WWF has said as it released an annual assessment highlighting worsening difficulties with the assessment of carbon offset projects in the developing worl...

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7th July 2010

WHO recommends 40 decibels night noise limits

The World Health Organization (WHO) has set the European target limit of outdoor night noise levels at annual average of 40 decibels (dB) in its new guidelines. This would protect the public, including the most vulnerabl...

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7th July 2010

Kyoto carbon offset issuances slow

June has been the worst month in over a year for the issuance of UN-backed carbon offsets, data compiled by Reuters showed, as auditor suspensions, bottlenecks and possible rule changes hinder requests from projects.

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