Our latest News

7th July 2010

Traffic pollution and childhood asthma link identified

New research has found a possible link between traffic-related air pollution outside people's homes and the onset of asthma in children during the first eight years of life. Higher levels of nitrogen dioxide, PM2.5 and s...

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7th July 2010

Governments face cost hurdle to cut carbon dioxide

The International Energy Agency (IEA) sees the first early signs of an energy technology revolution underway across the globe but has urged that much more needs to be done to achieve the necessary long-term carbon dioxid...

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7th July 2010

Migratory species face disaster from climate change

Migratory species face disaster from the effects of climate change unless urgent action is taken, according to the preliminary findings of a forthcoming United Nations-backed report.

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7th July 2010

ETS will bring barrage of price rises warns watchdog

New Zealand households will be hit hard and fast with a "barrage" of price rises because of the new Emissions Trading Scheme, Consumer NZ has warned.

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7th July 2010

China and India nullify global reduction in carbon emissions

Despite the continued economic crisis, global emissions of carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas, have remained constant in 2009, as strong increases in carbon dioxide emissions from fast-growing developing countries, ...

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7th July 2010

Air pollution hits Londoners

An estimated 4,267 Londoners are dying prematurely each year because of long-term exposure to airborne pollution. Those living in inner-city areas breathe in the most polluted air, according to a detailed breakdown of po...

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6th July 2010

Defra Survey – The Effect of Business Resource Efficiency on Employment and Competition

Your opportunity to take part in Defra's research into the effect of business resource efficiency on employment and competition.

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6th July 2010

IEMA Member Discount to the First Global Business of Biodiversity Symposium

2010 is the International Year of Biodiversity - click here for details of an event that celebrates this topic and a 35% delegate discount for IEMA members!

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6th July 2010

Help Find the Best Landscape Projects in the UK

The UK Landscape Award is looking for the best landscape in the UK.

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6th July 2010

Four Themes, Two Levels; Environment and Business Workshop Programme

The workshops at November's Environment and Business Conference are split into 4 different themes across two levels. Click here to find out more!

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