Our latest News

21st June 2010

Disaster is making US think again about cleaner energy

The Deepwater Horizon oil spill is making Americans think more about a clean energy future � but not yet to the extent of having to pay for it, or to tackle climate change, one of the leading US thinkers on global warmin...

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21st June 2010

Queensland dominates Australian sustainability list

Five Queensland cities have made it onto a conservation group's list of the 10 most sustainable cities in Australia. But the Australian Conservation Foundation warned residents not to rest on their laurels, saying the ra...

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21st June 2010

Japan aims to pass climate bill by year–end UN talks

Japan will aim to pass a shelved climate bill setting tough emission reduction targets before the annual UN meeting in Mexico at the end of this year.

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18th June 2010

Latest Speaker Added to Dynamic Environment and Business Programme!

Peter Bonfield, CEO of BRE Group, has just been confirmed as a speaker at IEMA's conference, Environment and Business: The challenge and the opportunity.

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9th June 2010

Case Studies required for Defra EMS research project

WYG Environment, on behalf of Defra, is running a project to determine the effectiveness of certified EMS at delivering business and environmental benefits. The aggregated results of this study will be published and shar...

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7th June 2010

BP costs in oil spill hit $1.25bn

BP said that its costs for the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico spill have reached $1.25 billion (�870 million) as it set out plans to place a second cap on the leak.

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7th June 2010

EU GHG emissions more than halfway to target

The European Union's greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory report, compiled by the European Environment Agency (EEA), shows that emissions have not only continued their downward trend in 2008, but have also picked up pace. The ...

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7th June 2010

Electric cars would need huge boost in power supply

Switching all cars in the UK to electric would drain the National Grid of nearly a fifth of its capacity unless the equivalent of another six new nuclear power stations are built, claims a report.

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7th June 2010

Thinning ice caps' impact on Icelandic volcanic activity

The thinning of Iceland's ice caps could be influencing volcanic activity, according to new research. The study developed a model to predict the changes in pressure on magma caused by thinning ice and applied it to the r...

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7th June 2010

2010 on track to become warmest year ever

New data from some of the world's leading climate researchers and institutions suggest that 2010 is shaping up to be one of the warmest years ever recorded.

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