Our latest News

27th May 2010

IEMA Launches Principles on Climate Change Mitigation and EIA

IEMA recognises that EIA has a key role to play in assisting in the UK's efforts to minimise greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to our changing climate.

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20th May 2010

Canadian logging campaigners end protest with unprecedented forest truce

Environmental action groups called a halt to decades of protests and have come to a truce with logging companies in a deal that will preserve an enormous swath of forest in Canada's northern wilderness. The groups say it...

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20th May 2010

New study shows 'significant' rise in ocean temperature

The world's oceans are warming up and the rise is both significant and real, according to one of the most comprehensive studies into marine temperature data gathered over the past two decades.

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20th May 2010

Costa Rican named as new climate change chief

Christiana Figueres of Costa Rica has been appointed to lead UN efforts to combat climate change. She will take the reins of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) from Yvo de Boer, who announced that he ...

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20th May 2010

Oil from ruptured rig spreads toward Florida

Thick oil pouring into the Gulf of Mexico has breached the fragile marshlands of Louisiana and appears to have been picked up by a powerful current that could carry the crude as far as Florida and Cuba.

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20th May 2010

Social media campaign leads to responsibly sourced palm oil

Greenpeace has claimed social media led to its success in a campaign that linked global food giant Nestle's chocolate bar KitKat to deforestation in Indonesian rainforests and the destruction of orang-utan habitats.

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20th May 2010

Dolphin and seal damage warning over wind farm expansion

A new generation of offshore wind and tidal farms could produce �14 billion of electricity every year for Scotland but pose a "significant" threat to wildlife, the fishing industry and islanders' ferries, an official rep...

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20th May 2010

Climate change threatens health by Mediterranean

People in cities around the Mediterranean including Athens, Rome and Marseilles are likely to suffer most in Europe from ever more scorching heatwaves this century caused by climate change, according to scientists.

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20th May 2010

Iceland volcano has spewed 250 million cubic metres of ash

Iceland's Eyjafjoell volcano has emitted massive amounts of ash since it began erupting a month ago and there is no end in sight, experts have said.

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20th May 2010

Getting real forecasts for China's future coal use

From 1980 to 2000 China quadrupled its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) whilst only doubling its energy use. New research has indicated that this trend will not continue and China is likely to experience much greater energy ...

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