Our latest News

23rd November 2009

New framework measures electricity import dependence

Researchers have developed a new framework to assess a country's self-sufficiency in electricity as a measure of electricity supply security. Of the countries studied, results indicate that Greece and the UK became much ...

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23rd November 2009

World's largest ice sheet melting faster than expected

The world's largest ice sheet has started to melt along its coastal fringes, raising fears that global sea levels will rise faster than scientists expected. The East Antarctic ice sheet, which makes up three-quarters of ...

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23rd November 2009

Dutch to adopt green tax for cars

The Dutch Government is to become the first country in Europe to introduce a green tax to replace annual road tax on cars.

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23rd November 2009

Greenland's ice sheet melting faster than ever

Greenland's ice sheet is melting at an accelerating pace, according to the most detailed observations to date. Until now scientists had been unable to establish whether the loss of the ice sheet had speeded up significan...

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23rd November 2009

New approach needed to tackle climate change, says Institute

A new report from the Institution of Mechanical Engineers argues that with only four decades to go (to meet 80% GHG reduction targets), the UK is already losing the climate change mitigation battle. The greenhouse gas em...

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23rd November 2009

EIB sets up onshore wind farms fund

The European Investment Bank (EIB) has opened a �700m fund to tackle the lack of finance for the UK's onshore wind farm developers.

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23rd November 2009

NetRegs Survey 2009

NetRegs has published the findings of its SME-nvironment Survey 2009, the fifth in a series of surveys undertaken since 2002.

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11th November 2009

New Chief Executive of IEMA Announced

The IEMA Board of Directors is pleased to announce that a new Chief Executive of IEMA has been appointed.

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5th November 2009

Extinction crisis continues apace

The latest update of the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species shows that more than a third of species (17,291 species out of the 47,677 assessed species) are threatened with extinction.

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5th November 2009

EU carbon emissions target achievable and affordable, says new study

The European Union can achieve a 30% cut in greenhouse gas emissions at practically zero net cost. Simply replacing all energy-related equipment at the end of its economic life with low-carbon technologies, paid for than...

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